
So, do you believe the Holocaust happened?
Because I'm assuming you aren't Hitler, or a high-ranking member of the Nazi party, or someone who liberated the death camps, or a survivor. But then HOW COULD YOU KNOW?!
And you know that there was a culture and a history that allowed it to happen, right? Both in Europe and

Try to think about this in black and white terms. Literally.
Let's say a black man came up to you and told you that he was pulled over and beaten by police for some unknown reason. Would you believe in that case that it has something to do with culture or history? Because odds are it does.

I'm not a visible minority.

Deceased? You think the baby looks dead?

Like most kids, I ate a lot of McDonald's growing up. In fact, I used to go to McDonald's three times a week for dinner (I even did my homework there, gasp!) since I was a competitive athlete and it was the only place to eat that was close to the training gym.

What does hygiene

I'm not a doctor or anything, but several of my very thin friends had gestational diabetes while pregnant. And had small babies.
Also, shut up.

1. The article said the baby is perfectly healthy, ie. not "unhealthy".
2. No, there wouldn't be an article on the smallest baby ever born at MGH because that baby was probably terribly premature and died.
WTF is wrong with you?

No, not an addict. Just an asshole.
To be honest, I know he's wanted out but just hasn't been able to give up the sex. I'm not totally surprised. Gutted, but not surprised.

This happened to me with one other guy, about ten years ago. It was a totally different kind of relationship, but it was the same kind of behaviour, ie. him ending it by just running away. About two years passed and then he started sending me emails every year on my birthday, for about five years. He found me on

Yeah, I know. I got drunk and had a good cry last night. I know it's over.
I decided that I'll send him a letter at the end of the month unless I hear from him first (in which case I'll just yell at him on the phone).

I wish.
Well, not really. I just wish he didn't treat me like this.
This happened once before, early in our relationship. I guess I should be happy it's over.
And I suppose if he does get in touch again, I should tell him that it's not acceptable to only acknowledge my existence when he wants his dick sucked (sorry,

My sort of boyfriend of about 11 months has disappeared. I haven't heard from him in two weeks. I've texted once and called once and he's ignoring me.
I hope he's dead. But I'm sure he's just ending it in the most cowardly, pathetic way imaginable.

Unfortunately, some people are going to be thrown under the bus. But the sacrifice of a few to save thousands (if not millions) is ok, IMO.

You might be a feminist, but you're also a fucking asshole.

No, it doesn't. I don't take part in the discussions about weight and fat-shaming, but I do pay enough attention to know that you can't shame people into living healthier lifestyles. In fact, shaming people who are overweight usually leads them right to the fridge. If you want someone to lose weight, for instance, you

I appreciate the sentiment here but not the execution. Mocking women frequently and loudly for getting botox is no better than mocking women for looking "old" or "ugly". It's all part of the same problem. I do think that women need to learn that aging is acceptable and that botox is unnecessary, but this is not the

I didn't laugh either; I felt sorry for them. I think it's sad.

I've had botox a few times and filler once. I had an awful deep wrinkle between my eyes and it really upset me. The filler made it go away and the botox is keeping it from coming back. I love it! I plan to get filler once a year and botox twice a year. I don't care how I look when I cry either. Frankly, I really don't


No, it's not, but thanks for playing!

Exactly. So it has nothing to do with hot at all.

And it's funny because I know plenty of men who don't have this obsession with younger women and some of them do on occasion sleep with much younger women, just because they're slutty and fun and hot and lots of women want them. And they're pretty much all like

Yeah, so even if I were to buy into this nonsense that woman age worse than men (which I generally don't 'cause, at nearly forty, I see men and women aging with my own eyes), I'm sorry, but he looks like utter shit. I'm sure she thinks he's hot and that's all that matters but, seriously, it's bullshit. If I hadn't

I recently came to the horrifying discovery that Franco and LeBoeuf are two totally different people.