
I used to live in a house share that became obsessed, and I mean proper *obsessed* with Dead Or Alive: Extreme Beach Volleyball. We had a league table. Activities were missed due to getting caught up playing it. Betting occurred.

I am not a mad person.

For some reason the fact that she's always referred to as Laika rather than by her 'real name' (she was called Curly by the staff) makes me really disproportionately sad.

Lovecraft was racist to the point that people in pre-WW2 America thought he was a bit of a mad old racist.

The BBC did a really great audio play based on the Ringu novel a few months ago (possibly during Halloween?). I think it's the first time I've ever wanted to pull my headphones out - in a good way - while listening to audio horror.

Nightingale/Molly from the Rivers of London books
The scientists out of Pacific Rim whose character names I can't remember

I've never died on the toilet (as you can hopefully tell from my firm grasp of current pop culture and ability to type posts in the internet). BUT; I have had a seizure, followed by a lengthy period of unconsciousness, while on the toilet. Twice. It is exactly as humiliating as you imagine.

If anybody watches this and fancies some more Icelandic comedy, I'd recommend the Nightshift/Georg Bjarnfreðarson trilogy of sitcoms (plus film). Incredibly funny, if/and unbelievably nasty at times.

Oh god, the sheer strength of hatred I feel for Lily out of Modern Family makes me feel so guilty.

It's not a bad film, really. Certainly worth a watch. Though you might want to hold off the decision to wank until after you've watched it.

I liked it too. To be honest I think it and the tv version are both about the same level of not mind-blowing, not noticeably bad, but alright. Liked the overall design of the film quite a lot.

As is traditional, viewers from Scotland were excepted.

The We Bare Bears theme is a source of some domestic discord in this house. Pavlover thinks it's insanely catchy, and - like yourself - only has to encounter a reference to the cartoon in order to have it stuck in their head. On the other hand, I can't even remember what it sounds like unless it's actually playing.

That's what makes it scary for me. The idea that everybody knows everybody else in the room, but the headcount is still coming back wrong.

A fine summary, but missing Aranciata which makes Orangina look like dog's piss in comparison.

Nothing sinister. The episode predates her gender reassignment.

Empire of glass. #Nerd

I really *really* don't like the opening credits of Fraggle Rock. It feels like being inside a plane crash or something. Been watching it with my niece and nephew recently and it turns my stomach over every time.

Oh lord. Knightmare. I wasn't scared of it as a whole, but that heath level graphic (plus some kind of tolling bell?) spooked me too. Particularly embarrassing as I was old enough that I really shouldn't have even been watching Knightmare let alone been freaked out by it.

The junk lady herself doesn't scare me, but the 'oh, thank goodness, I'm back in my room and everything is completely fine I'll just open the door - LOL! ACTUALLY YOU'RE STILL IN FUCKED UP MUPPET WORLD!!" bit during that whole 'junk yard' sequence makes me feel a bit sick even just remembering it.