
Ugh. I clicked reply to post something sympathising and to complain about an outfit called 'Alpha Course' who use the same predatory tactics 'round here (their actual beliefs are - ostensibly? - mainstream Christian, but the recruiting tactics are predatory and gross). Before even typing I look to my left and like

There's a sequel to that where the central character, now fully grown and a lawyer, starts turning into a dog again (The Shaggy DA). I've never seen it, but did read the novelization approximately fifty times when I was a kid because children are fucking insane and thus that seemed like a good use of my time.

Alan Dean Foster.

No, it really has been a bit of a dick festival on here recently (I blame disqus, but I blame disqus for everything).

He's a legitimately classically handsome man, surely? If also a tiny, tiny, hobbit.

Word. I can see having a household gmail account for amazon, online billing etc (certainly the Pavlover and I do that). But anything further just feels unbelievably stifling. OUR TRUST IS MEANINGLESS WITHOUT THE *ABILITY* TO KEEP SECRETS, BARBARA!

Spain I'll give you, but in my experience the dickhead rich of France and Germany can definitely give ours a run for their money.

Cameron was actually scheduled to meet the Danish prime minster today. Because, contrary to all expectations, it seems god exists and zie loves us.

Oh, and not forgetting #PigSociety

The incredibly stupid 'JR Pigfucker' tweet has half killed me laughing every time I've thought of it since last night. Plus the great one about Enda Kenny fingering a gannet.

Initially read that as 'port', and for a moment was *very* curious about your cheeseboard.

oh mimble mimble richard dreyfuss mimble DAVID. CAMERON. FUCKED. A. PIG.

My (50+) spouse only recently discovered Al JOLSON wasn't black. A lot of references suddenly made a lot more sense.

Ah, while a pity, that makes sense.
I suspect any pre 'Cary Grant voice' accent he uses is going to be something broadly South East/London, as Bristol is the UK's 'comedy farmer' accent (if you've ever seen the film Hot Fuzz, it's a Bristol and surrounding areas accent the police have). Hence my excitement at the

I only found this out last summer. I am too old and too nerdy and too 'actually spent time working in the tabletop gaming field' for this to be OK.

Wait, wait, wait, are their films where Cary Grant speaks with a *Bristol* accent? Seriously? Which ones? (A quick look at IMDB suggests their list starts a bit into his career).

Hollywood RP 'British', eh fair enough. The Blackpool accent? Not so much…

I had to gently explain that one to a friend of mine when she was in her late twenties. And a doctor.

Pretty much the same in the UK. Less a 'cult following' more 'repeated on the regular and has given three generations of kids a fresh new way to beat the shit out of their siblings with a stick, and a weird sexual complex about Buddhist monks.'

Every right thinking human's favourite Home Movies sub-plot.