
He'll always be 'that bloke out of Our Friends In The North' to me.

Just posting to join in on the All Yesterdays love. Genuinely perception changing book.

Francis never implied shit, Shannon. Girl, you have to get over this. We're worried about you.

Oh, I own 'She Nailed A Stake…'!

ITV is a network of similar but not identical regional stations (mostly Carlton now, but at the time there was a far wider variety. Grenada, Thames, Southern etc etc etc). Something broadcast on Southern would not have been broadcast nationally.

I would honestly love a She Hulk tv series. Half hour comedy/drama. Like a warmer hearted Birdman (attorney at law) or a non-shit Ally McBeal.

Song improved immeasurably.

Am I the only one who learnt about it from the Paul Jennings story with the exploding whale and the digital watch?

Voiced, famously and confusingly, by good old Miriam Margoyles.

Cello rosin! That was what made it for me, Homer dropping that ridiculously specialised bit of knowledge (that it's rosin not resin and that cello rosin and violin rosin actually are slightly different).

I find The Sparrow (and its sequel) really frustrating because it's one of those books where the good is really *really* good, 'stay with you forever' good. But the bad parts are absolutely awful, with some proper Twilight level writing.

You are living the dream.

NEVER be ashamed of crying during Wrath of Khan, you hear me? Never.

Never heard that even once in my life. Do you live in some comprehensible but weirdly off kilter Port Merion type place?

Tom Baker was my immediate thought upon reading the title of this. I was really surprised how much Liz Sladen's death fucked me up, but Tom Baker is something I genuinely worry about in advance.

For some reason I watched that film a *ton* of times in the nineties, either when it came out on VHS or after it was on TV and I'd taped it. Say a couple of times a week for three or four months? I wasn't a kid either, I was fully old enough to know that it was not a very good film, and indeed to OWN many better

Oh lord, Crispian Mills is an arse.

Is The Other BBFC fun? I've always been torn between it seeming like on the one hand it might be a laugh, but on the other might be the worst kind of braying student mess, so I've never attended.

Now if only the game wasn't shit.

Oh thank god. I've read through every single comment looking for somebody to raise that point re: Jo and Laurie.