Damn. I got to Japan and all I had was a briefing on the dangers of small roads, driving on the wrong side, lack of snow removal, etc. Then I got another briefing telling me not to drift on public roads and then I had my license. Took less than two hours maybe?
Supports for the Water/Meth injection tubes. It's equally as beautiful in person.
Much appreciated!
Thanks, I appreciate it.
Not that I know of, not sure how to get it.
Unfortunately I have not, I've seen a few buzzing around the city and stared in through the window of one. That's the closest I've come to the holy grail. Haven't posted on Oppo yet, just been lurkin.
I love both of the Miatas that I've had, love the FC and FD that I've driven and I love the fact that I see diesel Atenza wagons on a regular basis here in Japan. Oh and the AZ-1 is just the most Mazda-like Mazda of all Mazdas.
I'd much rather buy a W220 S600 and straight pipe it.
The sound difference is just immense. You KNOW when the 18's are taking off.
Just imagine getting buzzed by and F-18. It really makes the F-16 sound like a party popper.
Were you stationed at Misawa, or did you just work at Anderson?
Oh yes, good old Misawa Wild Weasels. Spend many a mornings being woken up by our faithful Vipers.
The CLK Black never had that spoiler.
"Don't worry, this happens all the time!"