Paul Tobeck

I don't want to be insulting, but please don't be a woodworking snob (almost as bad as a beer snob). This post is aimed at the handyman, DIY garage shop type, not professional woodworkers. The "rustic" look is really popular right now, and there's some awesome wood to found reclaiming pallets if know what to look

Nice, I'll give it a try on Droid Maxx for sure!

Nice! I'll be trying it out. Need to clean out my photos before Google decides to Holiday Auto Awesome all the photos of crap I was trying to sell throughout the year, like they did last year.

Another thing to keep in mind is that the lower tier Roku's also have limited space for apps/channels. If you are just a Netflix/Hulu/Amazon junkie, the lower priced units are fine. If you are a cutter and will install everything possible, you have to get the Roku 3.

Can we skip the pretense and rename this feature to "Here's someones bag, proceed to question/rip them in the comments because you don't agree with what they carry"

I had no doubts, even though many a Turtles fan told me TMNT would wipe out Guardians. Looks like GOTG now has a clear path to be #1 for the year.

Today is move-in day for my freshman step-daughter at Illinois State. From what I understand, the dorms are only slightly bigger than whats shown in this photo, and there will be 2 girls in that space. I keep looking at this photo, then at the pile of stuff I need to pack in the car. The photo. The stuff.

Shocked at the lack of "unhealthy, terrible, disgusting" comments from the health nazis. Are they all at a big health nazi convention?

Look at all those Samsung apps. I'm shocked...

How does something like this just "appear" when it looks like it has decades of erosion around the mouth?

Yup, same here. Made 2 of these out of 2-liter bottles after early June heavy rains unleashed mosquito hell upon my town. Had the traps out for over a week and didn't find a single mosquito in either one.

A few nice deals, especially Plex. Too bad a lot of the other apps still look like pre-Gingerbread designs.

It's always a big debate among my movie-going buddies, as I am in the minority in my dislike of 3D. For me, 3D is fine for certain films like Avatar, or more recently, Godzilla, where the action on screen is limited. For big action blockbusters like Avengers or the Star Trek reboots, 3D kills the experience. Just too

Yup, hard "G". All other arguments are invalid. Wilhite didn't invent the English language, he's just spouting off for attention.

I went with most of the mess, up until Bats decides to fly a nuke out over the lake with only seconds left, and SURVIVES? As bad, if not worse than Indy's fridge

My only issues are it's inconsistencies. I have a Droid Maxx, and launching by voice is rock-solid some days, others, it seems to totally ignore me until I repeat "OK, Google Now" 3 times, and still others, it seems anyone in the room saying anything that remotely sounds like Google launches it. Drives me crazy.

'98 to '02? Geez, I've slept since then...

Despite all the new "features" and acquisitions, Facebook keeps gets less and less functional. What used to be a stream of my friends and news from select pages of sites and people I follow, now is nothing but ads and sponsored posts sprinkled with updates from pages bitching about how only 10% of their content is

Almost as much as Joss Whedon...
