Paul Tatara

And because people a. have their heads up their asses.

I guess I'll just have to start watching a glass of warm water again.

I thought Robin Williams was the dead Robbie Williams. But then I read it again.

I love Lily Allen's first album, but she's seemed to have decided that every other song has to be about a guy who doesn't fuck her well enough. I'm inclined to think that, by the seventh or eighth song on the same subject, she's the problem. But who writes songs about what a bad lay they are? (Well, maybe Randy

It's pasteurized, pre-digested garbage, and he has a strong voice. Thirty-five years only changes that because it's now the norm.

It's a great album.


"1941" is weird because it's petty stunningly executed - Spielberg's films are always stunningly executed - but it simply isn't all that funny. I saw it the night it came out with my buddies from high school, and it definitely felt like the air had been let out of a balloon. Again, though, the production design and

More than one person at an advertising firm thought this was a great idea.

It was one of the most expensive movies ever made at that point. They were hoping for a lot more.

"At the height of his creative powers, a young Dan Aykroyd created something that gripped the public’s imagination like few pop-culture properties before or since."

It's an AMAZING, FANTASTIC, UNBELIEVABLE SHOW THAT'S BETTER THAN ANYTHING THAT'S COME BEFORE IT OR WILL EVER COME AGAIN!!!! Just like The Lion King, The Producers, and The Book of Mormon. And whatever comes after this one.

I LOVE listening to backing bands minus their genius frontman!

I cried when I heard Prince died, and I still haven't gotten over it. But I would have thought that 9-11 qualified as "black 9-11." You know, since black people are human beings, and lots of human beings were murdered that day.

I cried yesterday when I heard that Prince died. And he was a total asshole when it came to the Internet.

This is ridiculous. Hundreds of performances fit this description.

If it has beeps and chirps all over it, I'm there!

They're the Led Zeppelin of stealing T. Rex riffs.

The key problem with "What Planet Are You From?" is that the script is a steaming pile of shit.

I just read "The Politics of Rage," about George Wallace and his rise to national power in the 1960s. Wallace pushed the precise buttons that Trump is pushing now to pull the "wounded idiot" vote…and, while we're at it, pushed pretty much the same buttons that Hitler did.