Paul Tatara

He was a self-absorbed, ceaselessly self-applauding asshole.  His interviews are the most ridiculous I've ever read.

He was a self-absorbed, ceaselessly self-applauding asshole.  His interviews are the most ridiculous I've ever read.

Crap!  I was so hoping to be aghast during the holidays.

Crap!  I was so hoping to be aghast during the holidays.

I agree, and it's also not THAT much of a departure from latter day Husker Du.  More "produced", to be sure, but a lot of it rocks hard.  Either way, nice article.  I haven't heard "Copper Blue" in years, and will get the re-issue.

I agree, and it's also not THAT much of a departure from latter day Husker Du.  More "produced", to be sure, but a lot of it rocks hard.  Either way, nice article.  I haven't heard "Copper Blue" in years, and will get the re-issue.

This is as insane as any movie I've ever seen.

This is as insane as any movie I've ever seen.

I feel first.

The beginning of this article would be lot better if I didn't agree with everything those critics said about Devo.

The woman hearing the bomb ticking has always struck me as kind of dumb.  I mean, how loud is that fucking clock??!

Boy, am I glad I'm not reviewing movies for a living anymore.  This is exactly the kind of thing that generates moronic hate mail when you pan it.  If you don't like the movie, that means you don't like the military…PINKO!

Actually, this appears, in a roundabout way, to be yet another Cody script about high school.  Seems like she'd get over the rejection after winning an Oscar for no reason.

Miss Scarlett in the conservatory with the candlestick…or anywhere else she'd like to do it, with whatever she wants to use.

Yeah, I'm obviously older than a lot of the commenters debating this, and I can verify that "Rolling Stone" was useless by around 1986.  The Rolling Stones, on the other hand, were useless 6 years before THAT…and I'm being kind.

That was poor.

That…um…looks bad.

"Oliver Cancer-Related Plot Twist."

"The Catcher of Footballs in the Rye."

I once had a conversation with  Bruce Springsteen, believe it or not, and he agreed with me that "Some Girls" was the last truly great Stones album.  He didn't tell me, however, which was the last truly great Springsteen album.