Paul Tabachneck

You might want to change your lead graphic, as neither Gilmore Girls nor A Year In The Life are available for download.


Every time I see Trey Parker saying or doing anything, it is funny and endearing. Very rare to see someone both that unhinged and completely put together.

I don't think, if you watch the first few reels of the film, that it would reflect as a movie about a dedicated mother. Pazuzu's possession of Regan is a slow burn at first, one that succeeds in part because Chris has the raising of Regan on autopilot. It takes a spiderwalk to get her complete attention.

You're right — if I had been waiting for the action to ramp up, that would have been stupid. What I was waiting for was for the slow burn to pay off, for some revelation at the end to redefine the last 85 minutes.

Comment edited, my point unchanged. But thank you.

You should be a career boring-things watcher!

The Others is a perfect example of the good movie that this movie is not.

I'd guess that Oswald Perkins had just bought a Leslie cabinet and wanted to use it in something, and that on her resume under special skills, he saw that Ruth Wilson had listed "Okay Bjork impression."

This is a genre that often builds from slow starts — the first third of any horror house story is the family moving in and treating it like a normal house because they don't know they're in a horror movie. Every character in this movie knows they're in a horror movie, except Bob Balaban, and they spend the whole

"Does stuff happen" is the aluminum foil standard in movie quality, which is kind of the point.


I hope this one feels like the old one. I loved that show.

I also nominate Swift

and eggbeaters.

Am I wrong that the BBC had the audio archived?

I'd be interested to know which idea came first — this or the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal, who believes that if you can't see it, it can't see you, and so can be defeated by donning a towel.

Or a coat. Don't forget, you can just use your coat.

In either the last or second-to-last season of the first run, there's a serial where the Big Shock Reveal is that They Can Climb Stairs Now. They did not walk it back for the new episodes, and Daleks can in fact now hover and fly.

I've been pretty sure this was true, but I'm glad it's laid out nicely here.