Call me Al

Not only was he pretty funny, but he was classy too -- he said some genuinely nice things about Obama and his family at the end. My god, I dearly hope we can go back to that kind of discourse between the candidates and leave this horrible chapter of American political history behind us.

Does for me! Though he might have another on the way.

I’m so old that I remember when it was a scandal when Jimmy Carter first agreed to be interviewed by Playboy magazine, then said that while he had never cheated on his wife, he had ‘lusted in his heart’ for other women.

How the hell am I finding Mitt freaking Romney more likeable than either of the current two candidates? I’m going to bed.

I’m an atheist, and strongly in favour of separation of Church and State. But the catholic Church, with it’s 2000 years of existence, is a reliable institution, that sometimes provide what state services should provide. I’m not saying sex abuse isn’t an issue, just that a) not just catholic, b) they also do a cool job

Not defending the abuse but Catholic Charities is second only to the states at providing social services to the needy. Foster care, mental health, special needs education, adoption services, etc.

Who else is having a fundraiser for needy children? CAIR? I bet the children are happy.

Oh come on. I’m a former Catholic and now atheist, and I’m disgusted by allegations of abuse. But religious groups, especially Catholic ones, contribute substantial amounts to charities and non profits and that money can keep an organization and thus its clients afloat. Signed, a social services worker primarily

New lives matter!

And unlike his vasectomy, this cut might be permanent.

Not that owners aren’t dicks, but the players do have some responsibility in this. The NFLPA did sign off on the CBA

Freedom of speech does not equal freedom from consequences. I support his right to kneel 100%. However, that doesn’t occur in a vacuum, his employer has just as much right to terminate his contract because of his actions while on the job!

Since I know this will be brought up and connected to the ratings decline, let me be clear on something right now:

Antonio Cromartie is most concerned about the homeless children, because there is such a high probability that they are his.

It was a bit odd to see him protesting the American anthem in the very country the USA won its independence from after a protracted war, whilst standing for God Save the Queen, but I guess Cromartie has always been an anglophile. Takes tea at 4PM every day and loves the BBC version of The Office, I’m told

You would take knee to protest a nation that made you pay child support on all 15 kids you had too

Despite the reputation Cromartie is pretty woke. He often refers to his latest child as the 13th amendment.

Re-watch the 2012 Vice Presidential debate where he simultaneously steamrolled and fact checked Paul Ryan. A total doof, but a brilliant one at that.

Angry troll is probably Russian.

Agreed, he’s very intelligent but also a dork and kinda a goofball. I’m sure right-wingers think he’s an idiot, but that’s there own partisan hackery to make peace with.