Do you think Obama would have as much trouble shaking Trump until the last six weeks of the election? I honestly think Bill Clinton would take close to 400 votes right now if he could run again.
Do you think Obama would have as much trouble shaking Trump until the last six weeks of the election? I honestly think Bill Clinton would take close to 400 votes right now if he could run again.
This seems like a good news/bad news situation for the Kanye models. Good news: more diversity. Bad news: they had to wear those “clothes”.
Designers like thin models because their curves are less and the clothes look more like they do on the hangers when people buy them.
Yeah, the demographics of the electoral map certainly don’t favor him. If Hillary wasn’t so widely disliked, this would be an even bigger drubbing than it looks like it already will be. Over the past six elections, Red has averaged 210 electoral votes and Blue has averaged 327. So a guy who doesn’t even get 85%…
Dude is a troll just ignore him.
...I feel like this comment is about 10 months too late.
I always wait until Christmas to buy FIFA - I play on PC and usually by that time EA/Origin is offering a deal. I think this is the first FIFA I’ll skip in 5 years. I think I’ll be playing Football Manager 2017 instead, if the reviews are good.
I always wait until Christmas to buy FIFA - I play on PC and usually by that time EA/Origin is offering a deal. I…
Of course you are. And a bottom at that.
Will not go to bat for the uniforms but those helmets with the old logo are 1,000,000 times better for the Broncos than the outdated 90s atrocities they for some reason still haven’t ditched yet
Stop using black women as your sassy props.
Don’t call us that because your candidate grabbed you by yours.
Not one vote will be swayed by anything Aimee Mann or Death Cab For Cutie sing.
I know white liberals want to love RBG so bad, but at some point you have to stop. This is just like how white liberals make excuses for people like Tina Fey when they say dumb racist shit.
For those of us that built the place and had our land stolen... naw.
Her dismissal of a black man’s right to demonstrate is condescending and patronizing, which while it does not invoke a particular fear, does indicate a pattern of white supremacist thinking - that she, a privileged old white woman, would know better how to address the systemic violence experienced by a young, black…
Extremely privileged, extremely white, shockingly smug ... enjoy away, say I.
“Our culture is filled with bars and strip clubs on every corner.”
Some people watch and conclude that Black Lives Matter is fundamentally about disrespecting the nation and its government, and therefore I can easily see why Ginsburg wouldn’t find that an effective means of protest. Burning the American flag isn’t what turned the tide of opinion about the Vietnam War.
Why? Maybe she just thinks it’s not an effective way to protest? (I tend to agree.)
You can be all for what Kaepernick is standing (or rather, not standing) for and still think it’s not an effective tool. Evidence: Most of the discussion was about whether or not he was respecting the flag, veterans, etc., and not on…
So... this means that the more nearly someone’s politics conform to your own, the more likable that person is. Which means that, to Barry Petchesky, the most likable person in the world is Barry Petchesky. Which is to say that this comment is self-regard masquerading as principle.