Paul Shuster

[Ring, Ring]

[Ring, Ring]

Oh wait… I forgot about sound.

Oh wait… I forgot about sound.

What about Phantasmal Force, huh?

What about Phantasmal Force, huh?

Hmm, I just want to remark on the beauty of this post.

Hmm, I just want to remark on the beauty of this post.

@avclub-baf85a9c743fef2c046bd5cd59d7fc98:disqus Ok, I get that.

@avclub-baf85a9c743fef2c046bd5cd59d7fc98:disqus Ok, I get that.

Yeah, they'll probably just shoot us.

Yeah, they'll probably just shoot us.

I have this theory that all the "shooting people himself" that Nucky does is because he has a gangster inferiority complex, that nobody takes him seriously as a gangster.  (Which, I think is fair on their parts.)

I have this theory that all the "shooting people himself" that Nucky does is because he has a gangster inferiority complex, that nobody takes him seriously as a gangster.  (Which, I think is fair on their parts.)

@avclub-708be71b9ab6e0a84252760579ade9f1:disqus "Hey, it's nice-guy Nucky"
Is that a character on some other show?

@avclub-708be71b9ab6e0a84252760579ade9f1:disqus "Hey, it's nice-guy Nucky"
Is that a character on some other show?

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus I basically believed there was no way whatsover for the kid too save himself.  Even if he had been a 16 year old non-smoker.  Even if he had been a cringing bootlick.

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus I basically believed there was no way whatsover for the kid too save himself.  Even if he had been a 16 year old non-smoker.  Even if he had been a cringing bootlick.

Yeah, I will say it was a fair kill.

Really?  Nucky is coming to resemble my idealized boss right now.  I would love the adrenaline rush of having to stay right on the line between incompetent and "a little too competent" to avoid getting killed.