
I had a large, well thought out response almost finished, but ya know what, decided against it.

Seriously. Five to ten a day during puberty FFS......Allegedly.....

You could see the plume of smoke from my house, pretty crazy stuff. All this after they mostly finished major construction of the highway/road system in that area too.

I’ve heard it both ways, but always doorwall from the older generation.

What a good time to be a PC gamer (bad time to be a PC builder, but still)

Design-wise, is it just a FX with a few bits of kit, or closer to what Huge put out in 2019. Cause I man, I remember seeing that bike when it debuted, and it had me considering a zero when there was talk of a conversion kit.

There’s so much love for the Speed triple, but man, I can never get over how mantis-like that front end looks.  Whoever designed the headlight section, and why it still gets built that way, is beyond me.  One of the ugliest profiles around.

Fail to see how your comment correlates in any way to the current situation.

As much as I’ll bitch about doing it, yard work is an easy way to “check” that box every week. You know the one, where you expend just enough energy, and use up just enough time, to make yourself feel slightly accomplished that day.

Pretty sure he was referencing fasteners in, and inside of, remote locations. Not the plastic clips holding your undertray up.

Man that’s pretty much how it goes with my field too. Except this time instead of a raise (which, I’ll be honest, I haven’t had one going on 4 years now), they reinstated our pay after they cut it during covid, and acted like it was the second coming.

Dunno if you’ve ever been to New York bagel in Ferndale, but they make some of the best, if not the best, bagels around here.

You didn’t happen to work at the Michigan store did you?  Cause man, one of the managers there is a total toolbag.

Most people I know that mine with GPU rigs aren’t buying at scalp prices, they’re slogging it with the rest of us. If the ROI is more than 6 months or so, it makes zero financial sense, from the perspective of a miner. A $500 3060 ti that’s now going for 1200-1500 on ebay isn’t being picked up by a miner. A gamer that

They’ve been doing this at my local Microcenter for months now. It works, to a degree. Problem is, a scalper can just get friends/family to buy for them.

Eh, I was about 20 miles away from home when my motorcycle was stolen. Came outside, late at night to find it gone. Eventually saw the security video of him breaking the handlebar lock and just walking off with it.

Yah, same here.  Surprised it came so quick, TBH.

Do it.  So worth it.  My GBA gets more playtime than the other consoles in my house now that it’s got a IPS screen in it.  Couple sets of rechargeable AAs and I’m good to go for hours.

You can find “good” condition ones for around 50-70 bucks. Out of the multitude that I’ve bought however, most are so ratty that it’s really only a good candidate for modding.