@Cookie: Because...there....is...a camera?
@Cookie: Because...there....is...a camera?
Hah, I thought the blue circle was photo shopped to emphasize that woman's breasts for a second, and then I was like "But there are none...."
The Gilpin Family should piss off.
That's what she said!
Should have tried WEP keys instead....
Did anyone else click the play button in the picture?
So THAT's why my "Master's Cleanse" failed....
I did this with my carpet when I was seven....and they make this into a product?
Gun #1 can kill any character on TV and the person who killed the character would continue to watch the show as if that character was always dead.
Is it wrong that I was eating a late breakfast and didn't even gag while reading this?
You forgot the researchers at Aperature Science - GLaDOS.
A free jailbreak will be out sooner or later, with some of the old PSP-hacking "gods" working on the PS3 and deciphering what PS3Jailbreak did.
....but....to stop the government from tracking me I put ANOTHER device with an antenna in my car? Sounds like a conspiracy.
I wish I could turn my "hunk" of wood into an awesome shooting gun like that. :(
What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas; except bankruptcy, that shit stays with you.
Wow, arguments between couples in the future are basically the same, except they aren't nearly as loud, and don't involve flying furniture.
@LSDariuss: JTAG ftw.
I STRONGLY suggest not getting a G9x. I've gone through 5 of those mice, having to RMA each one due to lift off issues and pixel jumping, with each mice having the same issue.
Dolphin Browser is slow and clunky compared to the normal browser (Android 2.2), which is why I ditched it in favor of the latter.
@bowen13: Recruiting Rogues? Best. Ga- *barf*