
Dolphin-diving aka Drop Shot from MW2. I can see why they don't want prone...

What metroid? All I see is Bronzor.

So people get in a tizzy over animal violence in a video game, yet when people are killed left and right it's OK.

@Kicken: I never meant to be argumentative. I'm biased in a sense that I don't play video games religiously anymore and that I was a gaming addict about 2 years ago.

Assuming you get 8 hours of sleep, 4 hours of gaming a day is about 25% of your time per day. That's a lot.

@Kicken: I think you might have a problem.

The only reason I will buy SC2 will be for its custom games. I suck at RTS in general.

@puffa469: Skins that aren't needed to play the game. It's fucking camouflage, not a map pack.

DRM on PC will always be cracked, no questions asked. Until the world shifts to Cloud-computing there will always be pirating of valuable digital goods.

It's either number 18 or 6, no question. 8 made me crack the fuck up though....lmfao.

@Cop Toffee: Use this doll as reference. Did THE GAME touch you here? *Points to the crotch*

Rabbit season!

@zombie_batch: Yeah, because BioShock had no RPG elements.

If West had the martrydom deathstreak on, Activision is fucked.

One of the best shooter games out there that HAS A STORY.

@Bcoolbyte: I think they're going to have to fight to stay above water.

@nukee: The way they worded the charges made me think that they had to sign off on anyone trying to make a MW game. I wouldn't imagine the lawyers that drafted up the charges to be stupid enough to not read the entire contract and miss that clause that you mentioned.

@nukee: The two guys that fired were the ones that owned the rights to the "Modern Warfare" franchise. If any company wants to make a "Modern Warfare" game, they have to sign off on it. (I forget their names :( )