
Charred snow?

The awkward position keeps me up in bed.

@Char Aznable: At least it was seen and the title was changed.

By saying "Rats out" you're implying that he did something wrong. Come on Owen, he probably saved a shit ton of families from losing their hormone-enraged teens. He did the RIGHT thing.

@sgloux3470: I'm buying it on Xbox for one reason;

BioShock provided a sort of closure at the end with *SPOILER* the little sisters around your bed etc etc.

Bad diet = Zombie kidney stones.

I'm in NJ in the worst WORST part of the snow. I am NOT looking forward to shoveling snow in a bit, and if my fucking internet shuts off I'm going rip out Mother Nature's jugular and shove it down her throat.

@Showmeyomoves!: I didn't pick up the song, I saw the baseball bat and the Banana and was like "OMG!"

I swear, the people who made this were influenced by Peanut Butter Jelly Time and Badger badger badger badger...MUSHROOM MUSHROOM.

Wow, that Mithril casing is a total rip off for 30g.

When I try to make Lost references, a voice in my head starts bringing out the problems with the reference because of all the plot holes the show currently has...

To be honest I prefer the mouse pad with the butt as cushion...

Dr. Phil probably got pissed when a lonely black sheep showed up on his facebook, hence all the rage toward Farmville.

The fact that it's taking an "unorthodox" (kind of funny) view on war games is what makes me want to buy this. The music with gameplay just made it epic.

I guess he finally found the spark in that relationship.

I wonder how stupid those people in the video felt while they were filming. In that rockband part, talk about awkward...

Woo, perfect price when my xbox live subscription is about to expire.