They’re awkward when in handheld mode, to the point that I had to detach the controllers to solve certain shrines that involve motion controls. Unfortunately, that will be very difficult to do whenever I’m on a moving vehicle.
They’re awkward when in handheld mode, to the point that I had to detach the controllers to solve certain shrines that involve motion controls. Unfortunately, that will be very difficult to do whenever I’m on a moving vehicle.
So I have Destiny, Mario, Xenoblade, and (maybe) Monster Hunter XX eating up all my gaming time from October onwards.
And you’ll have to call in sick as well, for like a week to soak in all that awesomeness.
Call me weird, but map-wise, it seems to borrow elements from the Heroes of Might and Magic series and/or Super Mario World (“open world, but with a set path/s”)
People complaining about motion controls are the staple of every Nintendo-related conversation, whether there is a button alternative or not.
It’s up on Treehouse right now. Combat looks to be very similar, but character skill setups, not so.
From experience, people still do.
Thanks! Needed to know because I’ll be playing this in handheld mode most of the time.
It would have been a way to steal some thunder from Sony’s presentation though (countering their MH with their own MH).
Fortunately the female lead looks to be older than the main character.
That would like asking Game Freak to port Pokemon to other consoles.
Hope my intiuition is correct in that the “Ballad” part is similar in a way to GTAIV’s “Ballad” expansion (i.e. former champions are playable).
Wait, no one complaining about motion controls (as of this time)? I’m shocked!
Hoping for the latter actually. I want my mech romping fix (which XBC2 doesn’t have)
I really, REALLY hope so. And cherry on top if it plays like the Musou Empires games (the most strategic of all the Musou games).
To be honest, I would have been more excited for Metroid 4 if I played the first three.
It looks very old school metroid. Nice.
CEMU doesn’t run XBCX well if you have a “mid-tier” rig.
Looking at the trailer, I doubt combat has changed. It will still be MMO-like. Maybe it will help if the animations were flashier/less boring, which seems to be the case here.
It’s probably just a staple of sorts, just like Final Fantasy’s staples are Chocobos and Cid.