
Didn’t go over well with the two liberal women at my house. The two guys (myself included) got the point of the ad and didn’t give a shit about the politics of it. I was just tired of the political, anti-racist, ‘we are one’ bullshit commercials by then.

Well I for one like it.Get off your high horses and just hear the words. Its about serving. However you take that, is completely up to you.

Saw two Allen films while living in France-large cinemas packed both times.

listen, absolutely nothing bad can come of replacing hardware safety with software-based safety

Also, the reason people can’t imagine their 12 year old plotting a vicious murder with a co-conspirator is because most 12 year olds (virtually all, really) don’t fucking do that.

This country has a serious denial problem. In one breath, we worship Cardi B and Nicki Minaj and then in the next breath, we are disgusted by all the sexual deviance. #RocketScience

Don’t forget to add the word “blockchain” to the company name!

Shit like this makes me wonder if we really would have been better off with her in office. Obviously I’m just being emotional and dramatic. I lost at drinking bingo during the SOTU and am drunk.

I got one to replace the iPhone 4s I’d had since 2011. The size of the screen is nice. My wife thinks the animojis are cute. But I’m not impressing anyone with it. They all just assume it’s a 2-year old Samsung.

I’ll make the very general point that handcuffs aren’t intended to be a punishment, a torture device, an end in themselves. Handcuffs are a restraint that makes an arrest more safe for the officer and the subject. All training makes very clear to the officers that once a subject is handcuffed, his/her safety is now

That guy made a whole lot of money after reinventing himself after going to jail. He worked hard. He made pretty inoffensive TV, and he did it making fun of the male stereotype.

I’m a dedicated liberal. “Safe spaces” are a joke. One can choose what and what not to listen to and/or believe. Adults, in particular (and that’s what college kids are) should be able to process things that offend them. The world is rife with “micro-aggressions”; if one demands an echo chamber during this phase of

The EPA is pretry lax and reasonable under previous administrations. It is CA’s CARB that are the car hating emissions Nazis.

the EPA, they want continually higher MPG’s for everyone, like a good communist nation would ensure.

You don’t seem to understand ‘investing’ or ‘opportunity cost’

Would rather see it die before we have to see another sports car named turned into a crossover.

Remarkably stupid blog post, you’re welcome.

I ordered 9 things on amazon this weekend and i hope my city wins the amazon 2nd HQ. The biggest employer here pays no local property tax and was incentivized to build here. Then it brought 20k professional jobs to the area. This town has gone through a massive boom because of them and its a great city.

Why don’t you look at Ronan Farrow and Mia Farrow Twitter accounts and see what they have to say about the renewed accusations of Dylan Farrow?