Wait, so people are free to fuck whoever they want, do whatever drugs they want, work or not work and collect social services if they want... but this guy, can’t post his own words online on a free service everyone has access to?
Wait, so people are free to fuck whoever they want, do whatever drugs they want, work or not work and collect social services if they want... but this guy, can’t post his own words online on a free service everyone has access to?
Because their profit per car is the same or better than most luxury brands. How they choose to then use those profits company wide (currently, its to expand and innovate with self driving and battery production) is another question. But they do make profit PER CAR.
Well, he is an entertainer by trade, that knows how to play to an audience. So he probably does fine for his part. She can talk about whatever she wants, and he will ping pong back interesting things, because he has a lifetime of practice, and an extra 20 years of life experience to use as material. So technically,…
Most men I know think metoo is just an attention grab. Things like this, one of the leaders of metoo being an abuser herself, and knowing she was one already, and still jumping on metoo, proves it to a lot of us.
Women cheat on their husbands just about as much as husbands cheat these days. They break their main marriage vow even more often than men do by a substantial amount. Or how about how lesbian relationships have a rate equal to or higher than hetero male violence rates.. Are you really that sure women are automatically…
I don’t care about side eye from liberals.
16 and 17 year olds are not children. Half of them are having sex. Almost all of them are driving and could easily kill people. If you are given an object that kills 30,000 people a year to use by yourself whenever you want, you are probably not a child.
It’s not that you guys aren’t excitable, you just have no charisma. I’ve sold about 2500 cars in my life. I was fun the first 50 times. But I, just like that salesman, put on a show to make for a better interaction with you. We don’t CARE if you’re excited really. But since youre paying a lot we’d rather you enjoyed…
Should he be punished if he was in a state where it wasn’t illegal?
I think OP is saying that these fake companies are made just to get funding from people spending money that isn’t theirs anyway. So they get a few million dollars. They pay themselves and all the people they like $200k, for however long the dumb idea and money lasts. So while you may not get a new maserati out of it…
I stayed in my town for almost 25 years now. I’ve seen it go from nice quiet place when I was a kid to a loud annoying town. So it’s not always the way when you move there.
They said the car was worthless. They still need to be paid for paperwork, parking it, dealing with it on the lot, paying for transport to an auction, the auction fee, and then paperwork to get it off their books. So at minimum, lets say the car sold for $500, saying it is pretty much worthless to them is accurate.…
If it’s not the culture, or the people, that lead to different crime rates committed by people in areas with different culture or people, then I dont know how else to describe it.
Countries like Japan and Norway have far fewer criminals of ALL kinds, so it makes sense they don’t have crazy violent crimes either. They just don’t have the same kind of culture and people as we do.
Oh jesus. Fine, compare US cities where guns are allowed vs large democrat controlled US cities where are heavily controlled. You’ll find MUCH higher rates of crime and gunshots where guns are less likely to be owned.
Your point is that new cars are too expensive.. so poorer people are forced to buy older less safe cars. And your solution to this is to make all new cars less safe, so that poorer people can buy newer less safe cars about equal in safety to their older less safe cars. So that no one is safe?
Child protective services gets involved AFTER a mother shows signs of inability to mother. That would be like us removing background checks and only taking guns from people after they commit crimes. We know better and that’s why we check people before they get a gun. I think we should consider checking women for the…
Every year, more mothers murder their own 0-18 year old children, than kids that die of actual mass school shootings. (I’m not talking about preborn abortions)
Should we start checking and licensing insane mothers?
I know Hillary and Bill enjoyed putting a lot of ‘super predators’ in jail at a policy level, but I still think most hard working police officers are conservatives.
You should check the stats of which party is most represented in jails.