
I sold cars for almost a decade, and was #5 in the country for my brand one year. Dealerships ‘punching’ random cars in one favorite salesman’s name is not uncommon and can lead to false numbers like this very easily.

Ah you’re right. I missed a generation in there. I cant believe how huge the weight jump was in the 07-13 trucks. Crazy. I’m still hoping the ‘19 trucks weight as much as my 2000 RCSB. That’ll make the pull the trigger.

Wear whatever you want to th me gym. But women that wear it outside the gym give me as a guy a lot to look at for no real reason.

Around half the women that cross into the US from Mexico admit to being raped as part of the process... but oh ya, they’re just like us. Especially they’re age of consent they set at 12... nothing weird going on there either.

Look at the stats. Most women who will marry are married well before 36. Its definitely an outlier.

The one thing I learned selling cars for years was that people lie to their friends and family left and right. I can promise you she did not get $7k for the Miata AND $7k off the MSRP.

Do you seriously want to punish people for things where there is no evidence? Should this no evidence required metric be used in other cases as well? Murder? Fraud? Kidnapping?

Were B. Obama’s hands made to look like cartoon hands just to mock Trump’s hands?

Because if you can’t prove something you shouldn’t be able to hurt someone via accusation alone. Can you imagine if someone simply accused you of killing their dog and you got fired and couldn’t get a job over it?

Does what her brother stated mean anything?

The Japanese drowned dozens of Americans by sinking a ship or two during the attack on Pearl Harbor, mostly unprovoked. I think we can excuse a damn hamster.

Those are all great things to list, except that I don’t really believe them to be true. Regardless, I hope liberals keep spreading the info that America is a shithole so fewer people from shitholes come here.

Couldn’t help myself. The internet always calls out large pensises and height, as if the 1 in 100 dudes that are actually 6'4" don’t go on the internet. Im not sure if you’re aware, but there are probably over 1 million 6'4" dudes on the internet from America alone. You’re going to hear them mention it every now and

The best part of this is that I am 6'4" and do have an 8" penis.

It’s not BRAGGING if its fucking anonymous and to a virtually random stranger. What benefit do I get? The point is to remind you retards that millions of people have come here with virtually nothing and built great lives for themselves. If you want to call people ‘stuck’ in Flint handicapped retards and help them,

Atleast you’re consistent. You liberals are actually that disgusting looking most of the time.

Pathetic lies. First off, my father came here in 1988 not speaking the language and with $200. Now he owns two homes outright and manages a manufacturing plant with 40 native born Americans under him, making about $120k a year. No college. Accent. Looks Syrian but isn’t. His son (me), when to UC Berkeley. His first

Oh god. “DWB”. What do you call it when white people are pulled over for virtually nothing? Oh thats right, we just call it cops being cops. Happens to white people as well if they look ghetto. Did you hear when Bernie Sanders said that 1/3 of all black men will go to jail/prison during their lives? I personally

If we can just call things whatever we want, then when you wrote that post you raped everyone that read it. Fair?

You clearly have not been to any real shitholes. In America you just have to stay away from a few cities and regions. In many countries, you can’t get away from it.