
@robot-shmobot: Maybe I need to hit the books again, but if the probe leaves Earth at near light speed, it would take roughly 25 Earth years to reach its destination. The perceived trip on board the craft would be considerably shorter. For example, if I point a laser at that planet, the photons take 20.3 years to

@ScottCWaring: Right. Next thing you know you'll be telling me that you see Barack Obama in this piece of toast!

I have to admit that between my iPhone 4 and new Kindle 3, the iPad seems 'excessive.' The Kindle has truly changed the way I read however. I can't recommend it enough.

Funny, but I'm returning my new iPhone 4 precisely because it has the NEW firmware.

@trs: Completely agree. What a deal that monitor was!

FutureSteve: "Introducing iVoice. A magical, revolutionary way to use your iPhone 5. Imagine the unique power of speaking commands to your iPhone. If you want to pause speech commands, or any other wireless feature, simply touch the transformative LiquidMetal alloy band. Of course, you'll need to remove your

@Phil Masteller: Correction then. It's not working on pre-4.0 jailbroken phones.

This isn't working on jailbroken phones, FYI.

I'm guessing the Lisa ad was a recent April fool's joke. Love the iPhone pic.

PLEASE. "Since this mistake has been present since the original iPhone, this software update will also be available for the iPhone 3GS and iPhone 3G."

@jellyandtoast: While I don't have a lot of experience with Dell, I've had three HPs. All of them failed, including a 17" laptop that died after 6 months of limited use. HP's customer service and support was nothing short of a train wreck.

@AnonJr: Good point. On the other hand, you could use free services like SubSonic ([] to stream that music to your devices directly.

So I can pay $13.99/month, upload all of my music (400 albums), and stream them from the cloud... or...

@AlexRoz: I'd still suggest MiWi. AT&T's option is expensive, and under the old data plan you're free to use up to 5GB per month without drawing any red flags. It's a great app, very reliable, and allows multiple devices to connect to your phone at the same time.

@AlexRoz: I'd personally hold off. There's really no reason I could find to upgrade my jailbroken 3GS to ios4. I have true multitasking, the ability to connect bluetooth keyboards, create folders, and use my phone as a wifi hotspot. ios4 will do nothing but require me to reload everything and lose a couple of hours

I had mine waiting for me yesterday, but I've decided to pass. Last night I ran into someone that had just purchased the 4, and I was astonished at how quickly the signal strength dropped when handling the phone. This is not a 'reporting error' in the signal bars, it's a genuine degradation of reception.

@Bant: The Pizza Mage: Yes, I'm pretty sure Logitech developed this immediately after the Apple keynote.