
Or a Russian military parade.

I just can’t get past how fugly it is on the outside.  I know I won’t see it once I’m inside but dang!!!  Nope, nope.

You make it sound like getting a passport is just like tossing in an extra pair of underwear.  Getting a passport especially for those who never had one or has expired is an expensive and time consuming process.  It’s not something convenient you just grab and go unless you are entitled enough to travel a great deal

“generating snarling kinky condom”

I have this exact model.  Seat adjustable up down, handle bars collapse, foot pedals collapse.  All made of high quality billet aluminum, fits pretty much anywhere completely folded and extends out quite a bit to ride, Kenda tires and great range and speed.  b.o.b. electric bike.  You don’t see to many of these

This would have looked amazing with black tubular frame rear bumper and wheel holder with an extra wheel/tire on it and rally style extra round lamps up front, even if they didn’t use them.

The term office job is to general. Technically I as a Systems Administrator work in an office. I deal with virtual server clusters, storage arrays, networking, vulnerabilities and general environment security. I couldn’t explain everything I can do and most people’s eyes would glaze over even if I tried. I have seen

Musk made a mistake buying twitter and his recent rantings seem to have emboldened and attracted the likes of right wing nuts featuring the orange tard himself. It doesn’t matter if Tesla is somehow seperate from Twitter Musk has always stuck his big face and opinion straight into Tesla and now Twitter. People aren’t

That red intake?? thing looks like its off a Masey Furgeson tractor.  It’s def not a pretty engine.  Plus could have gotten more power from the 3.8 GT3 engine with a Turbo or two but that would have just made it another 911 Turbo I suppose.

Also voted ND.  It may be nice but the price has to be equally nice to qualify for a NP.

I see a business in hex to pantone translation tools. 

God gawd, this thing is ugly. The interior is even worse. It’s like a featureless mass of uniformity. They forgot texture and materials make for a handsome interior. They just went all out on an attempt at minimalism and failed.

Dang I knew I should have studied to be a scientist.  They get all the cool jobs.

Here we go, Kia going down that BS hill about how their SUV’s can somehow “offroad” because they have some badges and taller tires or something.  It has no off road chops, just stick with the utility vehicle part as in getting groceries and hauling kids part.  This isn’t fooling anyone.

Or maybe every freakin game doesn’t need to be ONLINE!  A game, especially for kids does not have to be connected to the internet to work or be fun.  Somehow everybody has been brainwashed into thinking nothing works anymore unless you are connected to the internet???  That is a lie created by corpos to collect your

Tell us more about this half hour...., nipple greasing....

Ok, this isn’t news. My cat always comes over or turns and looks at me when I call her name. If I call her name she meows immediately and comes over, especially if I’m talking to her. She is very attentive and knows several commands. She may not be the atypical cat but to me it shows cats can be as perceptive and

I just pulled up a pic of an Avalon because to be honest I don’t even know what one of those is. It shares that same ridiculous overdone grill thing. At least in this weird Crown car it looks like the grill is part of the overall design instead of just tacked on a regular car.  Still not a fan.

It looks like a wall.  Don’t give that idiot trump any more ideas.

These are specialized needs for those exceptions to the rule thing. It doesn’t mean it should be engineered into every thing. It’s like people that rightfully and by simple observation can see most people don’t need a huge ass truck to get groceries but there is always someone chiming in how much they need their truck