I imagine that back glass is not broken is probably $1500 right there. To bad the clutch replacement isn’t like the 928 which was engineered to be easy to replace although the rest of it is a money pit.
I imagine that back glass is not broken is probably $1500 right there. To bad the clutch replacement isn’t like the 928 which was engineered to be easy to replace although the rest of it is a money pit.
It looks cool no doubt but after seeing videos of “off-road”converted versions of the Miata with giant tires doing their thing on off-road situations, that lack of 4 wheel traction greatly limits their usefulness and destroys the illusion of off-road. Also, limited use with no top anywhere besides a desert makes this…
Your parents were right. I knew 3 people with 914 when they were still cheap or affordable and build quality was practically Eastern Bloc good. Rust like crazy, 2 had engine block cracks within a year of ownership and everything pretty much fell apart. They were fun when they ran. People look at these through rose…
Missed out on making it white with the blue red M color scheme. The calipers are already blue so the baby puke green doesn’t do it any justice.
The 360 is my least favorite Ferrari design and looks even homelier on this poor broken down MR2.
I wouldn’t doubt it. You know meal on wheels abbot is stuck on trumps nads as hard a tick on a dogs back.
Yes this would never work in West Texas either. Between the 105 degree heat, the wind that will blow these over every other week and the bad drivers, they don’t stand a chance. That’s if they don’t get shot first because you know the reps gotta have their guns.
If I was rich I would be buying McLarens instead of used Porsches because from a daily drive standpoint they are only second to Porsche. I like the improved front end design.
These will undoubtedly sell out. I’m a Porsche fan, have a few myself but I always thought the cabs never looked as good as the coupes because of the hump. Also the 911 has gotten to complicated and large I mean look at this 992 compared to the tiny 356 or even early water cooled 911's. I understand they want to…
Canada is still part of the American continent but then again so is Mexico and the original name of Carrera orginiated from the south of the border rally prepped 911's. You would think Mexico would get a few as well.
I felt worse for that UPS driver. I bet he had a mess.
You know if they cut down that windshield top glass where it meets the roofline and inserted a flush mounted wiper set that swept down and across, it wouldn’t be that noticeable and they don’t really need all that extra glass on top. win/win I want my cut for the idea Musk. The mechanism might be tricky but the…
I was going to argue those were limited production number cars but compared to the TRX only 504 production, it is a good point.
None of this car is my thing but I can’t deny it’s a nice price so NP.
None of those really effect the direct purchase cost. The tax credits are just that tax credits and in it’s wisdom the Federal Gov. keeps making those smaller and smaller. Local electric companies in Texas are behind the times and Republican controlled so getting any credits from them is blasphemy. The general power…
He was blown away by the whole situation.
It’s expensive. I live in Texas and just had solar installed 16 440Kw panels on an Enphase system and you are looking at around 20K. I”m no solar DIY so it was professionally done, I’m sure there are folks who can do it all themselves but even then there is a good deal of cost and expertise needed.
My advice for dry eyes, don’t use cheap drops like visine or the like they initially seem to work but over time make your eyes even worse and stop working. Oasis is a good brand to hydrate the eye. Second sleep with eye covers. I like to sleep with a cooling fan and the air was playing havoc with my eyes making me…
I was going to say ND but since it already sold I guess someone really had to have it. It was a nice kit but a little steep.