
The Cheesecake and the Grand Cheesecake. Sounds delicious to me.

My guess is they went with whatever platform and body shape best fit their production specifications which wouldn’t necessarily be the newest models.  It’s still not a good look to have it go Ferrari on them.

Even with the cute pooch pic it’s a no go. No where near enough Porsche for 35K.  ND.

Did the cops then say liar liar pants on fire and make him sit in the corner for a time out, then let him go?

Sounds like something a catholic or religious org would do.  Who cares, it seems like with $150K/mo, she can now afford to send her kids to the best private schools so she should just move on.

Winner winner, chicken dinner.  Yup, it’s much more appealing than even Tesla.

Maelstrom and the Wraith

This would like good in a Cyberpunk Maelstrom wrap.

Nice price.  It’s specific to someones taste but they seemed to really care for it and it shows.

That’s a horrible design. It looks like the rear wheels were moved back to extend the greenhouse and then they aggressively sloped and cut off the rear entirely cutting down on room.  It’s an old Lotus looking design.  

Texas Rep...check.  LOL

They are behiiiiiind you, in an aristocratic voice.

A 997 series will likely go up because:

No this is a nice “price” for a Coupe, 6spd, S, chrono package, interesting color 911 with some extras for sure. However, it has been ridden and probably hard so you should factor in anywhere from from 10 to 13K in the future for maintenance but that is kind of a given for a 911 of this age or any exotic you buy of

That’s the same with people in the have and have nots.  The wealthy have no perspective to the real world because they haven’t had to live in it and don’t understand why the 99% of the rest of us want something better.  I guess we’re used people.

Yes but then....SQUIRREL!!

I would be interested to know what Britney, Janet and anyone else who was wronged have to say. Even then it isn’t really our business. What we think or feel about it is meaningless.

He drank the alcohol to calm the shakes.

I have seen people speed up and drive worse maybe trying to get home before the weather gets worse? Not a good combo.

NEasterners would probably scoff at the level of destruction under comparably timid ice conditions but People from Dallas, Austin, El Paso and many Texas cities are not used to ice and do not know how to drive in such. They continue to drive as if all was well until they have to stop quickly or suddenly change