Paul Kinsey

Dan Crenshaw suuuuuuucks. The fact that he was injured while serving overseas doesn’t change that. He’s a grandstanding jackass who’s not half as smart as he thinks he is.

Pretty disingenuous to complain about people confusing you for your character while running an instagram account with the name pelotonhusband.

Obviously it was because they banned prayer in schools, Mike.

the detention policy was in place two presidents prior to Trump taking office.

Ooh... Look at Mr. Coastal Elite over here calling people from airplanes.

Sure. But that said, Sciamma is still wrong. Read the quote again. She’s not talking about Dicaprio’s status in France. She’s talking about his overall star status in his own mind, which was clearly not defined by how many French people would recognize him on the street. She can be forgiven for not knowing that he was

I’ve certainly heard of him. That’s gotta count for something. Though I suppose “treat” is a pretty memorable first name.

Yes. That was very bad and I apologize for the shame I have brought to this comment section.

That’s true. Though comparing any other movie to Titanic isn’t really fair.

Honestly, even if you don’t work there, I don’t think you need to tip someone who’s just pouring you a beer more than a buck or two anyway. More might be appropriate if you’re hanging out at the bar and the bartender is checking up on you multiple times through your stay like a server would, but if you’re taking the

Not trying to act like I know more about France as an American or anything, but Romeo + Juliet made over $7 million at the box office in France, so clearly someone knew who he was. Though that was in April of 1997 and Titanic came out in December of that same year in the US and the following January in France.

I was only 1 when that issue was published, but surely we can both see the teen heartthrob potential from Treat’s boyish good looks in that photo.

You’ll get that sound sometimes when the call is dropped, but I’ve never heard anything when the person on the other end hangs out.

I was waiting for someone to find someone obscure on a Newsweek cover. Though maybe Treat Williams was huge in 1981? I certainly wasn’t old enough to know. And he’s on there with William Hurt, who was definitely famous-famous.

It’s always been a pet peeve of mine when someone gets hung up on in a movie or TV show and hears a dial tone. Adding a dial tone to a cellphone is a new level of awful.

Nah... If you’re an actor on the cover of Newsweek, you’re famous-famous.

16-year-old straight boy when Titanic came out. I most definitely knew Dicaprio and was already a fan thanks to Basketball Diaries, but I don’t think I knew Winslett. I didn’t see Sense and Sensibility until years later when some friends inexplicably invited me to a girls’ night.

To be fair, the greying for disagreement thing was a problem on Deadspin as well. Or just greying for shits and giggles. Though the mass greying was unique to Splinter.

Not at all. “I didn’t get exactly what I want, so I’m going to take my ball and go home and let the people who aren’t as privileged as me suffer” is a perfectly mature, rational thing to say. I’m just mad that they didn’t have more “This is all Obama’s fault and he should save us somehow” articles.

I think Splinter served a valuable purpose and I wish they still existed for that reason, but the thoughtful, well-reasoned coverage to trash hot takes from out-of-touch, bubble-dwelling 24-year-olds ratio was not great.