I just hope that they have another actual Halloween story again at some point. It can be fun watching the writers do this sort of thing but I can't help but miss the real episodes that would used Halloween as a source of humor.
I just hope that they have another actual Halloween story again at some point. It can be fun watching the writers do this sort of thing but I can't help but miss the real episodes that would used Halloween as a source of humor.
I wonder what form the cardboard villain of the piece will take.
Yep. He keeps that up and people are gonna start thinking that the old president was gonna fire him because he's ax-crazy.
And his mutation into President Jack Bauer continues. By May, he'll be killing people with his bare damned hands.
The interesting thing is that yet again, we remind ourselves that it isn't where they live that makes the Simpson men pathetic losers…..it's being Simpsons that does that. There's no cure for being Homer or Bart.
It's nice to see a non-starter of a marriage that doesn't have an over-the-top bad guy for a change.
Bob seems to have the job of "reacting to the events around him more or less like a normal person would unless he's drunk or something then he remembers that he's also Sterling Archer."
The thing that's always sort of bothered me about Louise that isn't her insistence on wearing the hat is that she really doesn't seem to be especially aware of what a pain in the ass she can be. Case in point: her tetchy refusal to just take her medicine because reasons. Her tough girl act costs her a lot but she…
Well, looks as if someone's going to either be looking for his old job back OR getting his character killed off in the same ear-splitting fashion they've got lined up for Hotchner. This sort of thing makes me afraid that they've got yet another vehicle lined up for him: the Federation starship USS Discovery.
And they do so completely unaware of the insane crap the kid with the pink T-shirt and sandals has to deal with on a regular basis. These children have no idea whatsoever what the names Bismuth, Jasper, Eyeball and Rose Quartz mean to Steven and thus simply see an odd fellow who ran off for no discernible reason.
Well, yes. He's also smart about it.
Yeah…..they don't like it when people post to author comments. They seem to think people who do that are sock puppets for a publishing company or some damned thing. It happened to me on gocomics.com for the same reason.
Yeah. He's going to want to cancel some cards now.
Interesting. Onion isn't a baffling force for chaos after all….he's just an odd little boy doing odd and mildly naughty things in a resort town. Sometimes, you can go by surface impressions after all….which is not what Steven was doing, I think. He was looking for depth that wasn't really there. It's like the Scooby…
All will fear our giant new potato chip.
Here's another question: who does Steven know that dyes his or her hair on regular enough a basis that he's so blase about it? Does Greg need to touch up his roots?
Well, they tend to promo-bomb up North so, well, I have to see the thing on-line before I know what the end theme is. I like the rock anthem better than the Doomy Atmospheric Music Of Doom that's appearing next week.
It's GOOD to see Pearl finally start to remember who she was during the Gem War. Garnet/Not Appearing In This Episode might remember the Gem we've seen but Amethyst and Steven have just met her….and like what they see as much as we do. I just wish they didn't feel obliged to use The Ominous Theme Of Upcoming Mayhem…
He already sort of knows that things don't really fix themselves as rapidly as they do on television and here, he's learning that his sitcom archnemeses have hang-ups that make them who they are.