They can't SEE that because they're jocks. They assume that they'll be applauded for making the big play because their minds are poisoned by athleticism.
They can't SEE that because they're jocks. They assume that they'll be applauded for making the big play because their minds are poisoned by athleticism.
The teaser segment shows us that they don't handle an upset to their big plans especially well. That's okay because every tribe does have at least one flatulating butthead who thinks that people are just supposed to sit at the sidelines while they make all the decisions. I blame the baffling and destructive…
He was way smarter as Xanatos….also nastier.
The interesting thing about the updated Thunderbirds is that everyone knows who they and the Hood are.
I wonder exactly HOW things will fall apart for them this time and exactly what they'll be doing next season. Maybe it'll be found out that Reliable Excavation and Demolition are looking for on-site security in Teufort, NM.
Great. That's two pulled so far for health reasons. That means that there are two people who'll be first in line for the next Second Chances season.
I half-way expected her to go full Chris Griffin and yell that he's breaking the fourth wall.
Well, one more episode before the merge and it's a solid example of game-play. Hmmm. I wonder how they'll handle the fact that there's a missing player.
Well, now that there are twelve, we can hold on until the merge. Also, is it wrong of me that when I see Totang, I think "toe tag"?
Yep. There IS his super-traumatic childhood and dealing with a father who couldn't or wouldn't see how badly he was failing his son.
My guess is that she might actually BE a little bald underneath that hat. Also, let's not forget that the gym teacher also sees the ears as something to be clutched away and destroyed at once….which explains Louise's tenacity in keeping them.
Again, we see what's Rusty's problem: he's too damned locked into this stupid world to realize that he could actually have done better for himself. Forget the other people stuck in the cogs of the big, dumb machine finding him a ridiculous failure. Regular people who regard the whole thing as a role-playing game gone…
So, having learned nothing much, we get ready for another season of cringe comedy about vicious freaks. Ah, well. At least they can be hated with a clear conscience. I need that since they took Raymond off the air.
Great. This is starting to turn into a real-life Total Drama Island. Jeff isn't going to be happy until he kills someone.
God. I can't wait to see how Dick Wolf botches this.
Smart people can do some awfully dumb things. For years, Phantom Limb thought that Manotaur stole his girlfriend when it was one of his own henchmen moonlighting as Dr Venture's arch. Also, said jumped-up henchman is just good enough an actor and callous enough a person to make people think he's Rusty.
Also, another win for Team Not Making This Fast and Furious Guardians of the Galaxy.
The irritating thing was the loser rant of not realizing why she alienated Debbie and the others.
Too bad that none of the crap he learned in that bed of his did him much good. He has no PRACTICAL knowledge because he was raised to be a mascot for a crazy man.
Also, what could we expect Doc to do to Ven-Tech Industries. Living in the world of super-stupidity DOES leave a person woefully under-prepared for real world challenges. Look what it's doing to Sheila….she's making the same mistake Phantom Limb did when he didn't see that "jerk making out with his girlfriend" is…