Paul Jones

Great. A man so non-descript, you could pass right by him.

Welcome to Uncanny Valley: Population 4.

Failing that, The Powers That Be could do something I've always wanted to see: the elimination of the whole stupid tribe concept from the get-go. Just plop sixteen to eighteen jerks on a beach and let them race around trying to screw each other over. If it's supposed to be about individuals, why do they have teams in

Well, we knew going in that he didn't want a strategic thinker sitting next to him so Tony's choice seems to be preordained. That being said, perhaps instead of Blood Versus Water 2, we could have a tribe of hard-charging worker bees like Tony and a tribe of affable goofs like Woo. We could call it "Survivor: Worker

This is freaking depressing and makes the joke about 'keep your feet on the ground and marry a woman three feet taller than you are" no longer funny.

Someone needs to slap Greer in the face and tell him that Asimov's "The Evitable Conflict" was just a short story.

Exactly. He's a goofy man-child who doesn't get that people see right through him.

She's setting herself up to be the goat Tony takes with him because he knows she ain't gonna get Vote One.

But the bro-crush part isn't. Every time I see him interacting with the dude he's crushing on, I get the same vibe I get off of Mr Smithers.

She definitely doesn't. A lot of people don't and Survivor is really great at reminding us of that. I mean, look at Probst. He has no idea that he comes across as being some weaselly idiot who drools over Big Strong Men.

I would tend to think that Tony is the player that Little Russell likes to believe he is but isn't. He's also the superspy that Pink Pantser Phil likes to think HE is but isn't.