The girl with the kettle bag & cleavage looks like a much hotter, slightly cleaner version of Janis Joplin.
The girl with the kettle bag & cleavage looks like a much hotter, slightly cleaner version of Janis Joplin.
Not gonna have that physique forever. Might as well show off your hard work. +1 Gains
You think that’s romantic? Behold:
I guess curves have replaced edges, as per updated safety rating standards. Oh well. Still looks neat for a concept.
Ha. When I was growing up, gundam was one of my favorites, I had the Amuro Ray gundam and every time it came on I’d yell “goddamn, goddamn!” (I was 6) It got me into some interesting situations at parent teacher conferences.
Every time I hear about these kinds of stories, it reminds me of that one Rihanna song. Y’know the one.
For 700$ you can instead build a mid to low range PC and probably have enough left over for TW3 and its dlc. Pass. And also #TeamTriss.
Please tell me the spider tanks (tatchkomas?) still have their weird prepubescent child voices.
God damn it I wanna go there!!
Skate vids, fictional and otherwise, always have the best punk rock. Shred on. \,,/_
The last city has fallen. Wonder how this’ll play out.
Non worthy fap fuel. For shame, bioware.
There are actual chicks attending this shit? Maybe I should check out this esports thing after all.
Judging from the image we’ll be able to take our helmets off during combat and let everyone see how fab we look on and off The Tower.
ObgynKenobi was my old tag before someone reported it. I thought it was PG13, but I guess not.
A feud settled at 250mph. Badass.
LOL! The announcer himself sounds like a fighting game character too. Consider my sides (1-hit) KO’d.
Nothing more ironic than a chub calling other dudes fat, right Joshua? Better luck next time.
Stories like these are where phrases like “they don’t make ‘em like they used to” come from.
Why are people getting upset for someone raiding a base like uh.. oh I don’t know, a barbarian? ;) Also, haven’t played this game yet, but what I’ve gathered from this article, griefers can enter a private server? Well I guess we know what’ll get patched after the beta.