I think SO MUCH of this comes down to over-planning and/or having way overblown expectations. See also: New Year’s Eve. A friend of mine recently planned a bachelorette weekend for a bride she was friends with and since it didn’t go exactly according to plan (a plan which was in the bride’s head and likely looked like…
“...Drumpf’s staff could be charged with conspiracy (18 U.S. Code § 371) to violate election laws of the United States. In this case, U.S. law prohibits foreign nationals from contributing any “thing of value” to an electoral campaign—and dirt on Hilary Clinton may fall under that loose terminology.”
That’s pretty much got to be the epitome of frank stupidity—you don’t want people who could save your racist, bigoted life to do anything for you....because of the amount of melanin in their skin?! You mean that’s it?! That’s your threshold?? If that’s the case, quit wasting everybody’s fucking time and just stay…
It reeks of the “must protect the white women and children!” bullshit that has always been a rallying cry for bigots everywhere. (Of course, the things women actually want to help protect themselves, like more focus on prosecuting rape and domestic violence, get ignored). Racist, misogynist assholes love using their…
Using your own analogy, she let the insurance lapse, then paid the agent for a new policy but was still getting delayed and dicked around by the home office when the agents decided to burn her house down to teach her a lesson. A little different.
Can we have Al Franken as her running mate?
As a green card holder (albeit not a Muslim, so President Bannon probably won’t get to my kind for a bit longer), I’ve spent the last few days unable to recognize the American government, but loving the American people more than ever. We will resist, we will fight, and we will prevail.
While I certainly agree that it’s a good thing to have judges who are sticklers for the law, I want to point out as a lawyer that the debate isn’t about whether or not judges are “sticklers,” but about what the law is in the first place. A lot of what conservatives frame as “judicial activism” is mostly about genuine…
I’ve read that Fred was innocently polishing his solid gold Rolls Royce in Klan attire and on the street where the riot occurred, when police mistook him for a Klansman and arrested him.
Yes it is Jill Stein and her voters’ fault and not ALL YOUR RACIST, SCARED NEIGHBORS VOTING FOR DONALD
Trump supporters literally do not care that Trump is enriching himself. He’s a businessman, that’s his job to do business and make money. Who cares! Are you someone who hates success? America is going to be so successful under him, only a total cuck would care that Trump’s going to make himself even more rich because…