Paul Cypert

No, I want to wax ALL my clothes. Boxers, socks, jeans and shirt. You've opened the floodgate and I'm running through.

Wow those three are three of the bigger ones for me at the moment as well. If they'd of just had Monster and Full Metal Alchemist LOL

These cars are only moderately sporty to begin with. Sure they have nice numbers, but they've always been more about cruising with a bit of extra noise and oomph with the right image. I love modern and classic Pony cars so I'm not knocking it...but people need to ease up on comparing HP and weight and all this as if

things like this are awesome because you can be assured to know the best driver, not best prototype bike at the finish

Since it's built to look like every beige sedan on the road I guess we should expect beige car safety performance.

Bring back the hatch! Looks like a Camry with a hood scoop.

That's a pretty loose armbar...just saying. Nice of him to not put too much strain on the guy and give him plenty of room to turn out/not have his arm snapped. At least I hope it was intentional because it's dang loose :)

Olin wasn't supporting the guy, just saying his opinion on people's rights to believe as they see fit. Yes, sometimes that means beliefs we don't agree with. The game studio was wrong. The studio could have used this moment to have a real conversation and back the guy up, they chose the easy way and gave into mob

Where's all the small government folks/let the market work itself out guys on this one? Seems "small government" only applies when extensive political donations aren't involved.

There's an awful lot of snark and hate aimed at car advertising on jalopnik of late. This your subtle way of coaxing companies in to advertise? Or bitter you didn't an advertising job?

We get it you guys are super clever and advertisements aren't. They attempted a campaign using nostalgia, big whoop. Not article worthy

I think the Challenger's weight is a bonus. It's a touring pony that's WAY more comfortable than the others over longer hauls. Maybe not the best large city car, but a fantastic car for 97% of American roadways and how most will be allowed to legally drive.

I could see Dodge pulling this off somehow :D


Yeah, get to work on things in closer to real life situations, but not carry around bruises like if you were training boxing. I loved boxing growing up, but these days all BJJ for me. Just patiently endure new spazzers and then surprise them with a gentle reversal and have them asleep before they even knew were in

Yeah most who make it to his level are super great. You can't really succeed by being a dick (unless really, really good). Most who study BJJ and various fight disciplines are incredibly humble and approachable.

Something like white collar boxing you can train for 6 months and have a good fight. MMA...against a real fighter...these guys are in for a world of embarrassment.

It sounds violent, but he's more than skilled enough to take them out with little violence unless he's just a dick (and as they booked him doubt he would

Modern Ford Fiesta ST. There, I said it :P

Man I hope it's good. I played the first one through around three times. Barely made it a couple hours into the second one

He must get inundated with special artwork commissions from furries.

It's tonal language right? So some of the words are probably a bit harder to understand in song form with the music covering some of the tonal clarity.

Just copy files to "hidden" folder in the mac system files. The files no longer turn up in searches and you can really only find them if you know where they're at.