Paul Cypert

Kuddos. Tons of well schooled print journos unemployed and you guys link baiting the death of hipsters despite Audi never using the word nor hipster even remotely fitting into the target demo/price group of this car. Yes successful urban types might also include some hipsters...also will include some yuppies, hippies,

Little bit of irony to using America's most beige automobile to carry out chaos.

Poor girl was so traumatized she was barely able to duck lip in that selfie

Another title for this article could have been "What Pixar didn't do for Brave and Cars2"

Hate it. Loathe it. It's a plastic VW that was left too long in the sun.

Fecking Chevy owning neighbors. Guarantee you.

"as well as having him shave her teeth with a drill."

There's that many people in WV?

They are killing sales. Went in and countered their offer with one for 10K and they said no. They just let that sale walk right out the door...

So the mayor was turned down for some requested motorcade and since he can't have one can?

Seems about like complaining there are too many gamblers in Vegas.

Man the rabbit has really ballooned in size since I last saw it....

I know you guys make a living from being on the bleeding edge of news, but this jumps the line on irresponsible journalism. Woman makes claims online should not equal national coverage before all facts checked and verified and both sides have a chance to air stories.

It must be super nice being so perfect you never do

Very valid point. She chose to publicly air her dirt, she should be woman enough to face the full attention. Can't hide behind pseudonyms and sling stones.

Any designer with half a brain should have been able to tell you this is a HORRIBLE system for displaying images.

The point of this post is that we want to see the desktops no? So why on earth does that translate to "let's see how annoying we can make it to find those images"? Viewers have increasingly short attention

Brilliant on the 3D maneuver move comment LOL

Right or wrong I know one thing for certain. If it'd been a UK car company they'd have found the fire somehow charming or endearing :D

Probably as likely if they're driving rally...particularly if using cheap/budget gear...

It's a funny debate because with that budget and being a broke student I'd say do a used motorcycle and get way more speed, tinkering abilities, etc.

Also of note for the uber green folks, no natural resources wasted in updating the design, modernizing the look or otherwise attempting in any way to make this thing look like it's not from the 90's.

Or Terry Crew's people read their Google alerts ;)