Paul Cypert

Who on earth cares? We know who makes it out so literally no drama potential. Maybe there's a small handful of "oh that's why they're like that moments" for hard core fans. If they hadn't ended so badly they could have kept the story moving forward. I'd be much more interested in them saying, you know what we blew the

I don't get what you're saying. Mad Men began in the 60's. Only flashbacks have been in the 50's. A decade later than Mad Men would be the 70's.

I had a lot of fun playing through it. Pretty much all of it. The PS3 delays made me forget about the game for the most part, and at this point I've pretty much lost interest in returning. Maybe I'll let all of the build up and do one last weekend, but probably not...just had a flash not of epic game play but of

Didn't realize Mad Men was set in the 70's :P It's always been in the 60's, many things associated with 50's were actually early 60's much like "80's" fads like hammer pants which were worn by many in the 90's LOL.

Would it kill Kotaku to adopt a policy of putting system up high in the article? First or second paragraph? "this PC exclusive...." or something

I don't think I can go back to a pro after the Air. It's just what a laptop should be. Once processor power catches up a bit I'll be able to replace the 27inch iMac with a monitor. I love the weight and performance already, just hope it can get a bit speedier.

Glad I have the early one. Went down to 2.8 I think.

Some rich folks that just can't wait for HL3 decide to take matters into their own hands

Pelican case by far. Have driven a motorcycle off a cliff and all gear was fine...wish my leg was also made of the same materials LOL.

Yes, I love the B&W versions of these figures.

Not listed on the complete list, but does feel a bit overdue. Can't wait for the next one!

That was terrible. And not in a quirky ironic way. Wouldn't the shakes have knocked power out? Much more terrifying when you can barely see anything and can't get a lock on what's happening. Looks like an Up All Night movie....

Very limited design and wastes a lot of space. As someone who photographs daily I'd forgo this for some parchment paper you can move and setup anywhere. One rarely shoots and shoots the same sized product.

And any electrical device I've purchased in the last 5 years gives out in less than one...

That's the kind of thing that should be up top at the start of the article. I wouldn't have bothered reading the review tbh, but I guess that's why they tend to not put up info like that or what console a game is releasing on often on Kotaku.

Next gen ping pong ball physics?

My thoughts exactly.

I still play a lot of Burnout. I can't think of many other current gen games that are like that for me. There's instant gameplay and some deeper stuff when you're wanting to sink your teeth into a larger challenge. Once they patched for easier replay of lost events it was a near perfect game for me. Hope this one can

What finally worked for me...not doing "hamster" exercises on machines and others and instead opt for real work outs that actually challenge my body in real world ways. Have seen WAY more advancement and change in my body doing Jiu Jitsu than ever did with any gym or running based exercise plan.

Kiddie Porn is a big one when you're a photographer. Porfolio sites are constantly getting hit if you feature child photography from searches like this. Kind of makes your skin crawl.