I'll buy immediately if it has one feature...sort by kind goes from a>z instead of fecking z>a like previous.
I'll buy immediately if it has one feature...sort by kind goes from a>z instead of fecking z>a like previous.
Ah good catch. I read through that book so quick. Need to go back through.
Why is this so odd or surprising? They've already gutted walkers to mask their scents on the show. This isn't that far afield. Weirder is what the Gov does with daughter...
I'm really loving him lately. For some reason seeing this cover I feel it's be some tie in with Sweet Tooth LOL
It sounds awfully close to Dennis Leary's premise on the matter. If you don't enjoy his early standup already, you would :)
They gonna have long shots of angst like Twilight? Please God no. As much as I love his ability to tell a story...this one's going too far. Look at a few PT Anderson movies to see what unchecked genius gets you...
God I'm sick of prequels. Take the story forward please.
This show was cheesy as hell from the first episode. I09 kept trying to pimp it so I suffered through more episodes, but sometimes you need to let stuff go...it's not and was never a good show. There have been a few lately on here that honestly make me question whether or not the shows are paying for rundowns here.…
Yeah, not everyone has the same tastes or appreciations. I've heard many idiotic French chefs talk about how "simple" Japanese food is...only simple if you don't understand the levels of complexity that make it so simple. And at end of the day not everyone can get the nuances of say the white fishes in sashimi, nor…
If I were from there, I'd get into anything just to get out of Oklahoma.
You had me till 100 bucks. My Halloween costume threshold is down around 20 bucks tops. Usually just me ripping up a blue button down shirt, applying some fake blood, wearing a brown belt on chest, and bandaging my hand for budget Ash costume.
The random changes made to Lost, like keeping around the glasses guy because fans responded to him...were what brought the show down for me. You could just tell it was changed from the original vision, lost the cool tone they had going, and things slowly became a jumbled mess. If you're going to tell a story, plan it…
For some reason when I see this I think of MC Pee Pants
I used to love to do it, but now unless I'm in a cheap sushi place I just don't do it. When you have good fish I really don't see the point. I'm not paying for garnish, paying for the fish LOL. And man, the real wasabi...so much better. Develops the flavour when used correctly, instead of masking like the fake western…
I'm preferring the new Apple podcast downloader to third party ones.
Guy in the picture isn't underweight. The part of the study used for the article headline talks about effects of diabetes on overweight or underweight people. I'd say some malnourished person with diabetes has other issues going on.
He's gonna make some lady clam very happy
No Poyo love? I'm still really enjoying Chew. But maybe that's my food writing background meeting my nerd self LOL.
Maybe now that Walking Dead has hit 100 the story can start moving again.
Not an easy move for these guys...geography and culture quite different there.