Paul Cypert

Yes, I stopped reading all the other updates after reading about the world's end LOL.

I've said it before but TB needs to be stopped. Anyone this formulaic should move on and let someone else get in and innovate. Only a certain number of movies get made and mass released every year and, while I have thoroughly enjoyed some TB movies in the past, lately his movies are plodding, whiny, over-styled turds.

Mini mammoths were the accessory of choice for the it women of the caveman social scene. It was akin to yippy dogs in purses today.

Anyone who can't see how great his can possibly be needs to let go of the cynicism. How can you see these and not smile like a fool?

How can anyone relax with these?

I remember a friend of mine's commute to the Santa Fe Opera in the spring. Nice little drive, but man was it beautiful. Most don't have that though. I'm jammed into the overcrowded Bangkok BTS line for about 20-30 mins depending.

I kinda thought he might have still been alive. They at least left the possibility open. In a comic, and not a Whedon movie, just saying those cards weren't on his body would be all we needed to know to hold out for years that said character was most def alive somewhere.

Kind of a hard list to peg down. Sometimes retro seems to refer to camp here and other times just to invoking the 50's. Really feels like a "if you were born around 76-84 or so and grew up watching films retro Sci Fi list list" :D

Nivenus said it best. I'm a huge Whedon fan, but there is a subtle difference between the two films. To me Whedon is clever but kind of likes to show it off...characters saying too much or being too on point (these guys love their wise cracking teens). Nolan is guilty of this at times, but he leaves more room for our

There was something here or on Serious Eats that looked at some seemingly healthy options at sit down restaurants and found surprising results. Like an innocent sounding chicken sandwich from Cheesecake Factory coming in at a whopping 1300 or 1500 Calories (500 more than a burger from the same shop).

This is Kitchen Confidential info from the late 90's. in many instances it still holds up, but there are many exceptions.

Had been using Awesome Note for this. I might change just to not have to tell people I use Awesome Note...hate that name.

I think this was also in the 4-hour body book?

Every week I check for the Batgirl love LOL. I've liked the last few with her past dredging up a bit.

Since he just wrote the damn piece in normal English...I mean not even pretend Hulk speak...couldn't he have typed normally? Or does all caps a hulk make?

I think the Avengers v Batman debate comes down to what kind of stories you're into. Those who want Avengers #1 are those who like stories that are just ballsy out there operas of madness (like much of Marvel to me).

Alright, can't wait for the first 1 1/2- 3 seasons of great TV before it slips into a web of conspiracies, back stories, and apparent deaths of characters we all know we'll see again in some fashion.

I've noticed a lot of overly groomed girls in the show. Guess HBO doesn't have much of a merkin budget

"I don't get why Ygritte was trying to rub up against her captor"

Maybe in issue 100 Walking Dead will actually start moving again. I'm almost too bored to read it lately.