Paul Blart

The level of entitlement of this guy is so damn high.

You are indeed overreacting, Sam. You can tell because you had to include this part:

Yes, you, a single person who went to this place occasionally put this place on the map, all by yourself, because your level of influence is just that monumental. Also you’re right, they’re rejecting your child specifically - it is a slap in the face to you! Also, you and your child are the most important people in

Everyone just needs to relax on this. It’s the holidays and all shipping companies/options are overloaded. Prime is still worth the cost if you get more than a few deliveries a year that you need quickly, not to mention the offerings for Prime Reading and Prime Video. Their TOU even says that some areas and items

If you want to see what it looks like when all the defenders are keying on the ball carrier take a look at the Oklahoma-Boise St play. Half the defense is erased from the play the second the pitch is received - which is the entire point of the hook and lateral play: hope the defense does what you suggest and then flip

They changed the rule to make PATs optional in these situations following the Vikings-Saints game last year

I did sucky

This is not true at all. You should not be posting information like this because if someone follows it, they are open to a LOT of liability.

This is the part of the story that never gets mentioned when it comes to ‘x-sharing’ whatever - the reason why most “Professional” options cost more is that there are clear guidelines when it comes to liability while a Rented/Leased property is in someone else’s control.

Turo largely amounts to giving someone your keys

Turo is, in theory, brilliant.

Ok... This guy was already a dick in my book...but really?

“Plenty of parking” my left nut. I can’t think of any Chicago neighborhood where there is enough room for the residents cars plus 38 more.

It would suck if they were to start to Haul on Oates.

You sound like a cop. I have some friends that are former cops and they have spoken to me privately about these very issues, which is why I have a different view of things.

“Is your view that you should have the right to park your car on public property anywhere and for as long as you like?”

I am on my couch, but I’ll do my best.  Let me know if I miss one.

Ordinarily I’d agree, but tow companies and parking enforcement everywhere can all get bent. I had to take 2 hours of PTO to go get a parking ticket thrown out which had been issued to me for “not paying to park” at the kiosk station, even though I clearly had a receipt from said kiosk station with the proper time and

On the other hand two hour parking limits are dumb.

Bunch a fuckin’ grumpy old men in the comments section today.

I know we all love to pile on Tesla and their fan-boyish owners.