Paul Blart

I’m pretty sure outing someone that specifically wanted to remain anonymous, for political purposes, was done by the “soulless Democrats”. You are confused.

Mortal Dictata is fucking hypocrite and coward who is more than comfortable sniping behind people’s backs and siding with people who say “I got mine”.

Hey, go fuck yourself.

I am so fucking sick of this disingenuous finger wagging bullshit every fucking day on this site. Everyone here voted for Hillary in the general election. Go to a union hall in Kenosha and say that to a group of laid off iron workers if you want to shame someone. I hope you get curb stomped for all your brave work you

It’s the dash... it contains the information required to do the job of driving. Unless you think we need to pull the spedometer out of all vehicles too for being distracting

Making an assumption on someone’s skin color based on words is racist dude.

While there are several high profile cases of people that got shot, and probably even more that aren’t making the news, I’m willing to be that in 90%+ of traffic stops, people don’t get shot.

My wife wants a 3, but this is the major reason why we haven’t pulled the trigger. I just don’t feel that screen is safe enough.

Lol $11 for a parking ticket. That’s cute.

Do you think “of” is an auxiliary verb? Should it be?

Or the city could be a bit more less confusing on their winter even/odd parking rules, that seem to get updated every year to make them harder to follow. But I am not going to let a gift horse get away if I can prove the officer was not paying attention when they wrote out a ticket. I only lived there for 2 years,

When Mini came back to the states in late 2001, I had a 2004 R53 Cooper S. I used to get parking tickets all the time dismissed because they would write me up as a PT Cruiser. I mean it is not that friggen hard to figure out the make and model. The Make, Mini, is named on the boot and bonnet, and if he looked at the

“This is Wiggum reporting a 318 - waking a police officer.

Reminds me of explaining that my 100% factory Lancer Evolution was not illegally modified and the rear spoiler was *not* going to be removed because it was DOT approved.

Meanwhile, inside the patrol car...

Dispense with the need to be constantly “active” and “advocating”. Live your own damn life. The system is going to grind on whether you spend three weekends a month marching or not. Focus on your own life instead of trying to constantly signal to everyone around you that you just care so damn much! It’s okay to be

I’m not going to sit and argue, mostly because it was my new years resolution not to argue with internet people who don’t matter to me, but I would like to pick on one point you mentioned. Signing up for a potentially dangerous job doesn’t excuse those dangers. Yes, police should be aware that they may (and will) be

While it is true that some police certainly prioritize their own power over basic human dignity, I think it is a far cry from the majority of them that everyone paints it to be. You obviously don’t hear stories of cops who abide by the rools because it isn’t newsworthy. “Local police person respects civilians and

So which is it... Are black people always getting harassed by the cops, or are they always getting shot by the cops each and every single time they do?

Apparently I did once yell “you’re not my dad” to my dad in a department store. Good thing it was the 1990s and not today! Back then people probably just laughed. Today they would whip out their cell phones and there’s a 50/50 chance it would either be live streamed to Facebook OR they would call the police