Paul Blart

A refresh is coming at WWDC next month. Don’t listen to those guys. That MacRumors guide is always highly flawed and wrong.

Can you remember the last time you wiped your MacBook and reinstalled everything?

Her Instagram profile seems to keep changing too. I got dragged into looking at it last week after PDP posted a video about her. She has multiple accounts now, I guess from them getting suspended often. One says it’s managed by Miranda Cosgrove, another by “Gucci Gang”. Her mom is an awful person and whatever Canada’s

LeBron can’t play as/defend a center. The problem is that there isn’t really a true center in the league anymore with a couple exceptions (because 3s are everything now and the post game is a dying art). Stick him on a guy like Shaq, Hakeem, Wilt, or Russell and LeBron would be helpless.

I mean, the Cavs shouldn’t even be here if the officiating were fair in Game 7 against the Pacers. The free throw disparity in that game was horrendous! Obvious league bias is obvious.

Yes. Team success isn’t everything, but it’s still a factor. This is his 15th season, same amount that MJ played. Jordan is 6-0 in the Finals, LBJ is 3-5 (and he had to switch teams in order to get two of those wins). In actual Finals games, MJ is 24-11 and LeBron is 18-27. Their teams have missed the playoffs the

Cause an anecdote isn’t a valid rebuttal to a well-researched market study.

No, that’s terrible advice. Data migration is already built into both Windows and macOS so extra software is unnecessary. I’ve bought tons of SSDs over the years that have come with software and never needed to use it.

No, that’s terrible advice. Data migration is already built into both Windows and macOS so extra software is

Not faster.

Not faster.

The BX300 is an older, slower model. So no, it’s not a stellar deal.

The BX300 is an older, slower model. So no, it’s not a stellar deal.

No, because the media isn’t dumb enough to making a douchey, blanket statement like that. I’m not a Trump supporter, but I know plenty of people who are and aren’t assholes to those people you mention. Blanket statements like yours are what’s causing the division in this country.

I don’t see anyone saying that the Republicans in Congress supporting Trump aren’t his supporters. But that doesn’t mean that everyone that those people represent support him. Also, people are allowed to agree with his decisions on certain issues without agreeing with everything he does or who he is. Politics isn’t

Same here. I’ve always leaned conservative, but I lean much more moderate on the things Trump and his cronies are trying to push. It’s hard for people on both sides to comprehend that someone can agree with someone on certain issues, but disagree with them on most other things and not like who they are as a person.

But the lawyers also have to know that refusing to let him testify is also suicide. It means he’s hiding something. You can bet that a movement for impeachment will be ready to introduce once Mueller gives an ultimatum for Trump to testify. If he refuses, he’s gonna find out what Nixon wanted to avoid. I wouldn’t be

I do that a lot more since they started the “any size soda for $1". The cost to upgrade the meal size is as much as another soda.

Which is why they started calling them “Thickburgers” instead. Dumb.

In-N-Out is meh. The burgers are decent, but the fries are garbage. McDonalds fries are infinitely better.

It’s no strikes because SHE didn’t eat it.