You clearly don’t know Pewdiepie at all.
You clearly don’t know Pewdiepie at all.
It wasn’t serious at all. That’s a fact.
That’s not the same thing at all.
Wrong again. T-Mobile has replaced AT&T at the top:
So are you gonna cover T-Mobile one-upping this plan?
T-Mobile One includes HD video now. Also, you’ve clearly never used T-Mobile, or not in the last three years. Service is great outside the city. Open Signal basically confirmed T-Mobile’s advertising that they’re nearly on par with Verizon in terms of coverage and still king of speeds:…
Or you could switch to T-Mobile One, now including HD video. Two lines of unlimited for $100 flat.
And T-Mo just added HD video to One plans so they just one-upped Verizon again.
T-Mobile is on par or better than Verizon according to 3 different independent network studies. They’ve been legitimately the fastest for awhile. Also, they just one-upped Verizon’s plan. You’ve clearly never used T-Mobile, or at least haven’t in the last 3 years. Legere is the only reason Verizon even introduced this…
Not anymore. T-Mobile One plans include HD video starting on Friday.
She spoke up because it’s good to show the next generation that there’s a better alternative to the “sex, sex, sex” lifestyle that the rest of Hollywood portrays.
Except that’s exactly how that works. That’s how marriage and sex were designed. That’s been tried and true for thousands of years.
That’s not how it is at all. It’s about respecting the sanctity of marriage where sex was designed to be enjoyed. The idea that that’s unrealistic is wholly cultural and straight up flawed.
Jason’s advice is the best. Don’t spend $10k on your first car. Buy a nicely used Honda or Toyota for no more than $2-3k. You will regret figuring out how to drive in a nice car.
Except buying a car ISN’T a waste and every one of your comments here just proves how much of an apathetic imbecile you are.
You don’t understand what a troll is. The state is getting their sales tax when they buy the cars and register them (since that’s a requirement for the buyback). So no, this is not against any state law and these guys aren’t dealers. That’s not opinion; that’s fact. Deal with it.
The V6/7506s offer as flat a response as you can get in a pair of headphones. That’s why they’ve been a professional and studio standard for 30+ years.
The V6/7506s offer as flat a response as you can get in a pair of headphones. That’s why they’ve been a professional…
They are buying, but not selling. That’s why you’re wrong. A government-mandated buyback is not considered selling. They are not a dealer. Reading requires understanding, but you seem to not have any of that.