Paul Blart

And it’s his fault for doing it, not Apple’s.

That’s not how it works. It’s the plaintiffs that have to prove that Apple has the software developed, which isn’t going to happen.

Except Apple doesn’t actually have a lockout method, at least not one that works. Apple patents things all the time but 95% of them never make it into anything and the rest take years to perfect. Saying Apple has a working method to do this is simply incorrect and ignorant of how patents work. This case will get

You’ve yet to prove me wrong. Try again.

Huh? I’ve been doing constant quality for years and it’s never that big.

Wrong, like every other atheist idiot who arrogantly thinks he understands the Bible yet proves in ever comment that he doesn’t at all. The only one reading things that aren’t there is you.

Uhh, you realize that’s just a PC, right? Netbook is just a hardware style.

So what religion are you in cause you can’t possibly be talking about the SA? Nothing about their position on homosexuality is in any way irrational. It’s exactly what the Bible teaches.

Sure you can play. You can walk your eggs and buddy without having the app open on your phone.

You don’t have to go there. Just update the iOS app and it’ll appear in your list of apps in the Watch app.

Apple (and reality) begs to differ. It’s still the highest selling smartwatch.

That’s cause they live in the real world, as do most of the rest of us that play it. The game is their design, what the players think is irrelevant if they’re still playing it. Niantic is under no obligation to do what a bunch of whiney players think their game should do.

The game isn’t buggy. Works great for those of us who actually play it, not your dumb ass.

I didn’t vote for Trump, but that whole email thing is anything but bullshit. The Dems would’ve won had they actually nominated a better candidate that wasn’t a blatant criminal.

He’s still a guy. That’s what he was born as. Feelings don’t change that and neither do doctors.

If I’m the dealer, I’d call the police prior to his appointment and just tell them that he is going to be driving a non-street legal car in at such and such time to this place. Have them station an officer along the route so they can ticket him and have it towed (something else he’d have to pay for with that

There IS a law in place! How are you this dense? Many people here and in the Reddit have shown that Comcast was in violation of DOT and OSHA rules regarding blocking lanes, which is also why it’s different from your example. So no, Comcast can easily be proven to be at fault here, despite what your ignorant ass says.

That’s not the same situation at all. This is a planned out road block, not a random traffic stop. The Comcast guy is absolutely at fault, as well as breaking the law. There aren’t laws saying an officer making a traffic stop has to put out cones for a certain distance, unlike this situation. That isn’t a matter of

Oh it does. And this is just a tiny portion of his footage. Only the one truck driver was clearly driving too fast. The others were okay. Snow and ice can be slippery at any speed. It all depends on how fast you need to stop, which is where the Comcast guys’ fault comes in. And it’s been pointed out several times that

I’m just disappointed one of the cars didn’t slide into his truck while he was up in the bucket. He’d put up more cones then.