
Very important. High dollar Japanese knives are made of extremely good steel with a particular combination of elements making up the alloy. That’s why they can take such an aggressive sharpening angle and not have to be resharpened everyday. Try sharpening your Farberware, Wal Mart chef knife like this video and

As a kid, the go to salve we always had in our house for literally everything, was, Bag Balm. Nowadays, it’s all nice and branded for people use, but back then, you bought it at a farm supply store. The same stuff you used on the cows.

As a kid, the go to salve we always had in our house for literally everything, was, Bag Balm. Nowadays, it’s all

Missing from this list is “Pick up a suitable dead stick in the woods, use it, and then leave it behind”.

Missing from this list is “Pick up a suitable dead stick in the woods, use it, and then leave it behind”.

“So, what I told you was true. From a certain point of view.”

It’s all about controlling public dissent and the spread of any message that isn’t favorable to the government. Ugandan officials have seen how effectively social media has been used in other countries to get the word out that all isn’t as well as the official government propaganda machine wants people to believe.