Paul David

I’m a consultant, I work primarily with businesses on market segementation/identification and product development.

“And you are?”

I work in tech. In fact, I work in data science.

Jon Jones is hot. I will supply him with all the no-off brand Cialis he wants in exchange for....

Touche, Queen of the Ozarks!

I think Jamboroo—and Magary’s patented style which I can’t even put a title to—is 500% more tiresome than tweet storms.

Well Jesus was very innovative in his attitude toward poverty.

Omg! No!

If he drowns that’s just the invisible hand of the free market holding his head under water.

The poor don’t need food, or money, or opportunities from “big government” or “society!”

Literally the stupidest thing I’ve read all morning.

I am going to write a biography of Thomas Friedman.

Oh, I can’t wait to read the think pieces that Brooks & Friedman, purveyors of distractionary bullshit, will write about this.

Yet, historically the answer to that problem is “unions,” yet today that is never, ever the answer.



Oh god you sound awful.

Yes, actually.

Dude, that’s bs.

There’s a great article in the Atlantic—I think??—on the “fake news” proprietors and who falls for the garbage they spew out...the proprietor is, of course, some amoral opportunist, and he comes out and states that that “they tried” to issue fake news liberals would eat up, but it would get debunked immediately and