Paul Chabot

cant wait to strap this game in a few cars and go nuts around the city with my friends... or better yet, use motorcycles.... REAL LIFE TRON! YEEAAAHHH!

I've only a few times encountered a locking mechanism on washing machines. Mostly front loading and the top loadings ones that had it were a pain. I had one that would lock on the spin cycle... A novel safety feature, except its spin down cycle would involve stopping and starting and stopping and starting for almost

@notfred: was totally going to post that... I found it hilarious, because the person just has to walk a little more north and they will have a bridge to jump off..

@Stevox: Yes, because terrorist attacks using airplanes happens all the time in the USA... all the time... you never know when it happens, but it happens all the time. Stay scared, stay very very scared. If you are not scared, please let your government know what scares you as you need to be scared in order for things

thats why I love my laser kitty skateboard..

Thats the smartest thing ive ever heard M$ say..

@ben1605: its not even a russian video game machine.... arrgg... you spread lamesauce all over these comments. ;P

I think the tech is amazing. Its interesting to see the actors act with all that gear...

@Kyle VanHemert: Its probably just from watching the video...but I feel I might have moved the barricade myself... I usually quick to see useless things... I might have made my own tunnel...or people funnel..

I love when people look at something and say that its not art... some how that feels artistic in its own right... art is everywhere people!

@Kyle VanHemert: btw, I love what you have done... The sliced mouse is brilliant...You could almost serve it as an upscale new york food dish... Sliced i Mouse... I hope you didn't loose any appendages in the process..

@fury161: our whole world is a waste... if you cant see how this is art... or how anything is art... art is all around us... I find the sounds of the city art when I get up in the morning.... though I havent found a way to put that into a gallery setting yet...

but can he cook?

WWII had starving dogs trained to find food under tanks... then in the field strapped bombs to them and let them loose.. a little metal antenna would touch the bottom of the tank and set the bomb off.. brilliant stuff.

@RecipeForHate: you cant pirate something you own, at least not in canada.. But your both right. Microsoft did good when they drastically reduced the price of windows in china so people would actually buy it. Why TV doesnt do that is beyond me.. one day though.

Telus in Toronto is advertising 3G+, but they have been doing this since 3G. When all the companies were advertising 3G is was actually more like 2.5 or 2.9G ... Companies will always lie to the public. Trust no one. Oh shit *runs and puts on tinfoil hat* i dont wear it in the shower..

Not for long... shoulda kept this little tidbit underground ^___^

@frederickallen: Or maybe the possibility that Charlie Chaplin thought, "hey in the future we will have phones that you can move about with where ever you are...", but I no, just a lady with a hearing aide.