
@avclub-9e8375d4bea951a9e639cf4fa7efa3dd:disqus  - All anyone has is their own subjective interpretation.  I just can't stand people talking about their subjective interpretation as if it's an objective fact.

@avclub-9e8375d4bea951a9e639cf4fa7efa3dd:disqus  - All anyone has is their own subjective interpretation.  I just can't stand people talking about their subjective interpretation as if it's an objective fact.

From the HBO book someone referred to above - Chase told the author that the ending provides "a definite sense of what
Tony and Carmela's future looks like. Whether it happened that night or
some other night doesn't really matter."  I mean, there's your answer.  He's not "dead," he's not "alive" - the series ended. 

From the HBO book someone referred to above - Chase told the author that the ending provides "a definite sense of what
Tony and Carmela's future looks like. Whether it happened that night or
some other night doesn't really matter."  I mean, there's your answer.  He's not "dead," he's not "alive" - the series ended. 

Comments like this infuriate me to no end.  Saying "Tony died" as if it's an indisputable fact is like saying you "know" what Picasso would have painted outside the frame of one of his pictures.  You saw exactly what Chase wanted you to see, and no more.  If he wanted you to "know" he was dead, he would've shown it to

Comments like this infuriate me to no end.  Saying "Tony died" as if it's an indisputable fact is like saying you "know" what Picasso would have painted outside the frame of one of his pictures.  You saw exactly what Chase wanted you to see, and no more.  If he wanted you to "know" he was dead, he would've shown it to

"Get a mop" is fucking great.  Not "call the police" or "call an ambulance."  You get the sense these guys have seen lots of stuff like this before.

"Get a mop" is fucking great.  Not "call the police" or "call an ambulance."  You get the sense these guys have seen lots of stuff like this before.

Are those actually a thing?  I had never heard of them outside of this episode.

Are those actually a thing?  I had never heard of them outside of this episode.

Re: that final shot of Tony lurching down the hallway, he was totally an embodiment of the "rough beast slouching towards Bethlehem."

Re: that final shot of Tony lurching down the hallway, he was totally an embodiment of the "rough beast slouching towards Bethlehem."

My favorite exchange-

My favorite exchange-

"Par-tee down?"

"Par-tee down?"

Thanks for that!  Never thought of it before, but "slouch to attention" is a great turn of phrase.

Thanks for that!  Never thought of it before, but "slouch to attention" is a great turn of phrase.