
Oh NOES!! A typo in my free internet publication!!

Re: Peggy, perhaps you missed the satisfied smile on her face after she sees the dogs.

Re: Peggy, perhaps you missed the satisfied smile on her face after she sees the dogs.

How do you know they were watching Casino Royale?  According to IMDB, it opened in April, and the ep takes place in March.

How do you know they were watching Casino Royale?  According to IMDB, it opened in April, and the ep takes place in March.

Agreed. First prize.

Hello, Joe!

Hello, Joe!

Good to see I'm not the only one who loves Homie the Clown.  "I'm seein' double here!  Four Krusties!"

Didn't they have a huge falling out with Beck a while back after touring with him?  Seems like the problem is them.

Didn't they have a huge falling out with Beck a while back after touring with him?  Seems like the problem is them.



Question - not sure if this has been addressed elsewhere - what effect (if any) does Lane formally "resigning" before his suicide have on any financial benefit his family might get?  Does it void/not void his insurance? 

Question - not sure if this has been addressed elsewhere - what effect (if any) does Lane formally "resigning" before his suicide have on any financial benefit his family might get?  Does it void/not void his insurance? 

Great post, dude.

Great post, dude.

Anyone else notice that Don always seems to be out of the office when something terrible happens?  JFK, Guy losing his foot, and now Lane.  The scene where he and Roger returned to an empty office definitely reminded me of when he sees everyone huddled around a TV after JFK is shot, and wonders what the hell's going

Anyone else notice that Don always seems to be out of the office when something terrible happens?  JFK, Guy losing his foot, and now Lane.  The scene where he and Roger returned to an empty office definitely reminded me of when he sees everyone huddled around a TV after JFK is shot, and wonders what the hell's going

Pretty sure embezzling from the company forfeits one's rights to any money invested in that company. I'm sure it's covered in his partnership agreement.