
Mr. McNutt, you used the word "storyline" FIFTEEN TIMES in this review.  I do believe that's a new record, even for you.

Much as love Python, that one didn't really work for me.  The sketches were all better the first time around with the studio audience. 

I would like to submit 1/2 of one vote for Amazon Women on the Moon.


And now…let us end this meeting on a high note.  LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Harry Crane was all over the first 3 episodes.  What are you talking about?

Honestly, the notion that Timothy Leary was actually at that party is among the silliest things I've ever read.  Roger's comment was akin to me cracking open a carton of Cherry Garcia and saying "Ben and Jerry, your ice cream is lousy." That doesn't mean Ben & Jerry are in my kitchen.

Right, except Roger did NOT drop acid with Timothy Leary.

"This would have made a great closing credits song if I believed for a second this show could have afforded the rights."

If you hate Larry David on Curb, then you hate Curb.  You sound like Ned Flanders talking about Woody Allen.

I figured someone would say that, but even if you hated the show, you have to admit the most interesting/funniest characters (Ari, Drama, Lloyd) were most certainly NOT the lead character, aka Blandy McBland.

Entourage.  That is all.

Absolutely think Peggy told Roger.  And it fits with her character, who as we've seen is prone to a little bit of ruthless ambition.

"Signal 30" is not the name of Ken's short story at the end - I think it's "The Man with the Tiny Orchestra."  "Signal 30" is the name of the driver's ed film Pete watches.

Yeah, pretty sure she won't be lonely for long.

Just had a thought and too lazy to scroll through all 1,700 comments to see if anyone else picked up on this - but did Don's negative reaction to the "Zou Bisou" sexy time dance remind anyone of the ep from season 1 where Peggy does the twist in front of Pete to try to seduce him, and he also reacts negatively, saying

Am I the only one who thought Lane didn't give the wallet to the cabbie because he was considering keeping the money for himself?  They do set it up when his wife is talking about the money they owe to their son's school.

Finally, someone other than me who worships this movie.  Thanks for the great column, Mike.

You only used the word "storyline" 12 times this week, Mr. McNutt.  Progress for you.

When someone says they thought Fargo was too commercial and not as good as Intolerable Cruelty, I have to assume they're either putting me on or just a poseur hipster contrarian.  Which is it?