
The comic didn’t work because 99.99% of the dipshit cops using the Punisher logo have never read a Punisher comic in their lives.

If you want more five-dollar technical words for this phenomenon: flow detachment causes a rear vacuum, and the effect is massive for a brick-shaped truck at highway speeds. The activity in the picture below is also happening, mirrored upside-down, off the underbody of the truck, creating a nice scoop-type air current

Are you talking about the photograph at the top of this article that I took with my iPhone and has not been retouched in any way?

To be clear, he said there will absolutely be smoking, it just may not be glamorized in the same way. I had to take out his quote for space but here it is for context:

Neutral, the recent events have only increased my love of cars seeing how any day could be your last. I realized my life is too short to settle for cars I don’t love. So I went and traded in my Lexus for a Giulia.

That’s a good question! Looks like that bit is still being researched. :)

There’s no harm in saying it and you never know, some people who stumble upon this might not yet realize they aren’t free to keep outside of the paid subscription.

the maker of very expensive, very heavy toys, primarily for Americans

Can I get a ‘Hell Yeah’ going in the chat?

I hope it’s those eyelashes people put on Bugs.

She was thinking she’s an adult and should be able to do what she likes in her personal time.
She was also thinking she had bills to pay.

Yeah man, got to make sure technicians aren’t *checks notes* making a side income in a completely unrelated field.

Well, time for people to grow up and drink margaritas like men.

As games get more and more bloated and start to take up hundreds of gigs, there’s no reason to have to devote so much disk space to aspects of a game you may never bother with. At the very least, every game with single player and multiplayer components should allow players to download one, the other, or both. This

What the hell are YOU complaining about?  It’s 1873 - you’ll be able to sue HER!

We owned a 2016, and put about 12,000 miles on it before we traded it away. Everyone thought maybe by that model year the kinks would be worked out. Nope.

It’s been around since 1962, which I say in the post. And no, I don’t have cable. 

Kickass boat.

Im still driving to work every day but switched to an EV last year. Sigh.