
I’m glad they did the experiment. Yes, it didn’t work, but that’s why it was an experiment. Some limitations were known - efficiency, sub-optimal sunlight, etc. Many of the variables were unknown - resin durability, tire noise, etc. The test was conducted, results derived. This is a win IMO.

A Small Crossover That Doesn’t Suck

Sounds like they want a Subaru crosstrek

1st Gear: another thing not often mentioned is that the current emissions timeline matches up pretty well with that of other nations, so building cars that meets those requirements allows for a larger global audience.

Spider-verse may be an exception to the rule. Venom only made bank because international box office. I'm very curious to see how cocky Sony is if and when Morbius bombs.

What does this have to do with simplifying regulations? Everything was going according to plan before Trump decided to get involved. His people are the reason things are so complicated all of a sudden.

That is a pretty sensational leap to make.

Just sayin’.

I agree that CD sounds MUCH better than bluetooth. However, my wife was complaining the other day that the CD player in the MDX was acting up. Turns out my 2 yo was using it as a coin slot and stuffing whatever coins (and other objects) into it. 

Back then is was truly unpainted, now it’s painted to look like it’s unpainted.

It’s fall of 2022, and you’re taking a drive through Asheville. The mountain back roads are perfect to carve in the FR-S you just managed to pick up for a sweet deal.

I get it, but I truly hate the unpainted plastic trend...Paint your fucking cars! 

Those folks look to be going WAY too hot through traffic. I’m not saying lane splitting makes you invincible! 

The point of this story is to bring more people INTO the know. Tell your friends!

That's definitely an opinion.

We’re now defining asshole as “doesn’t like the F&F movies”?

I think he just has kind of a boisterous personality that doesn’t always translate well to the written word.

Counterpoint: Fuck what you think, she can go by whatever she wants. Zendaya’s also a lot easier to remember than yet another Emma.

All of those people you mention went by one name first, became noteworthy after.

Netflix isn’t shitty though.