
Guess what HASN’T increased since “your day”?

Minimum wage.  

Maybe don’t be a dick to the writer, especially when the thrust of your post is that she shouldn’t give the time of day to people who treat people badly.

Giving them the benefit of the doubt and assuming they’re just not great at pranks is how I prefer to assess the situation. They’ve got a great track record of community involvement and tasty beers. I’m not looking for reasons to stop patronizing them; instead, I think of this as a scenario that might occur at any

Loved the show, every season has gotten better.  Unfortunate it’s ending, but at least they know it before the season is over so we can get a solid conclusion.

I don’t feel bad for the snake at all. Not because I’m afraid of snakes, I’m not. I think snakes are cool, but because

Full self driving is, and will continue to be a farce until every vehicle on the road is a self driving vehicle, infrastructure is standardized (signal placement, lane paint, lane paint color, road work signage and lines standardization, and even road cleanliness).  It will take decades for this to be realized. 

So do I have to tip the ten people down the row who delivered it from his hands as well?

I am so completely done with this absolutely fucking moronic, misguided horseshit crusade against Epic.

Look, I get it, the Epic store has a long way to go, but it’s been around for FOUR GODDAMN MONTHS! Valve has had 12 YEARS to develop and build up Steam to where it is now. Yes there are things the Epic store should

You can add friends from Steam into your Epic account (at least that’s what it says - I don’t use Epic). Steam is mostly just a launcher with features, most PC games use their own games to manage multiplayer - but I rarely play multiplayer since none of my friends own PC’s so I could be off *shrug*

It’s a six month deal. Seriously if you’re disdain for loading a different program besides Steam is more intense than your love for the game you for some reason can’t play then I don’t know what to tell you. Like, I get it. We all have our hills we die on. But like, I just don’t get it. At all. You do you though. 

When they set targets, yes.

5th: “It’s like one of the highest you can get”

Counterpoint: This looks AMAZING! It looks like Taxi Driver but with the Joker as Travis Bickle. DeNiro and Scorsese are even involved! Joaquin Phoenix has a manic Daniel Day-Lewis vibe!

I’m still not a fan of any definitive origin being applied to The Joker, but I’ll admit it looks a lot better than I thought I would.

Disagree. Sekiro’s world, characters and story are fine but the real experience is the gameplay. The excitement of exchanging blows with enemies almost like a choreographed dance. Making the game easier would just allow players to rush down bosses while disregarding their defense because damage becomes less of a

A small heater would solve that. Maybe a light-weight radioisotope heater unit. Although, the brain cancer....

Now playing

The road marking thing has long been an exploit...

I’ve been waiting for the Schreier breakdown of how this fell apart far more than the game itself.

Is it the way sunlight reflects off blue hair?

My brain is not smart enough to wrap itself around “mining” something that isn’t real.  I just don’t see how a computer doing calculations = you have money now