
I know this isnt exactly the best movie ever , but dammit if every country doesnt deserve their own local superhero movie. As someone from a small country* who’s spent their life watching a parade of American English** and occaisionaly Canadian heroes , its always nice when other countries get to do their own thing

So take regular ketchup and add Rooster sauce to taste?

So take regular ketchup and add Rooster sauce to taste?

X Gon’ Give it To Ya.

Pretty damn close!

I think a lot of people don’t understand how good of a job Reggie has done, I look forward to the “wow I didn’t realize...” reactions to the numerous think pieces that are to come.

Honda needs to be honest and admit that this decision is directly related to the Brexit shitshow. They would be doing the UK, the EU, themselves, and the entire world economy a tremendous favor.

On toyota camrys you can disable it from the menu in the instrument cluster. When I used to work at toyota one of my biggest scares was when this activated as I was about to drive into our automatic car wash which made me think that I had hit something, but then I learned that you can turn it off really easily.

Pacifica Hybrid?

DMX or we riot. 

Lighten up Francis, leaving a dog unattended in a climate-controlled environment is not “shitty”. The dog is comfortable, it’s no more shitty than leaving the dog at home, less so actually. I’ll speak for my dog and say she would prefer to come with me and chill (literally) for a minute while I run in the store than

How about a “dawg” mode where it automatically winds down all the windows, sets the autopilot to 10mph and plays “It was a good day” at max volume

Well they didn’t say poor, they said less wealthy. Since the 1% make at least $480,000 a year and the 0.1% make at least $7.5 million a year, I think the people in those groups probably consider anyone making less than $100,000 a year “poor.” So yes, screw the “poor” people buying new cars.

Reefer madness. 

> Remember when you released Nutcracker VS Mothra or whatever that was

Disney, you’re releasing too many movies. Too many for anyone to care. What are you even doing?

I have never understood the point of canned, chopped tomatoes.

So I guess all we need to do now is figure out which Squad member Michael Rooker’s going to play.

I’m half Canadian and I’m mad as Heck

Gamers are just the biggest fucking babies.

Is there like a Worst Comment of The Day that I can nominate the above for?